Great White & Bull
Tiger & Mako
Greenland & Thresher
Whale & Baskin

What is a Great White shark favorite food ? 

Seals or Sea Lions


Why do we call the Tiger shark "The Trash can of the Sea" ?

We call Tiger Sharks "The Trash can of the Sea" because stingrays, sea snakes, seals, birds, squids, and even license plates and old tires have been found in the stomach of Tiger Sharks.


Are Greenland fast or slow ?

Greenland sharks are very slow thwy can only go 0.3 meters per second (0.76 mph)


What is special about Whale sharks spots ?

All Whale sharks spots are unique


How many people could the Megalodon swallow whole ? 

The Megalodon could swallow whole two adults side by side. The Megalodon could even swallow a school bus whole.  


What is special about the Great White Shark ?

Its the world largest predatory fish.


Wich of these two sharks is the fastest ?

The Mako shark is the fastest shark it can go up to 45mph (75kph)


Wich of these two sharks can leap out of water ? 

The Thresher shark can leap out of water using their super long tail.


What do Whale and Baskin sharks mostlhy eat ?

Planktonic organisms including krill, jellyfish, crab larvae and small fish. But they mostly eat Zooplanton.


About how many teeth do Megalodons have at once ?

Megalodons have about 276 at once. Each teeth can go up to 7 inches (17.8cm) long.


In what river was the Bull shark found more than 4,000km (2,500mi) in ?

The Amozon river, the Bull Shark is the only shark that can live in freshwater


What same ability do Tiger sharks and Mako sharks share with Cats ?

Tiger sharks share the abilitiy to see in the dark just like Cats do.


How does the Thresher Shark hunt for food ?

Thresher Shark use their tails to cath prey. 


Which of these two Sharks is the biggest fish of the world ?

The Whale Shark


What animal did Megalodons eat as chips ?

Sea Turtles. Megalodons eat Sea Turtles as we would eat chips.


What is the Bull sharks lifespan ?

Bull Sharks live from 12-16 but one bull shark in captivity was recorded living to 30 years old.


The Mako shark is not only the fastest shark but also the ?

Mako sharks are also the smartest sharks of all the discovered species of sharks on earth.


How do Thresher sharks keep their body warm ?

Thresher sharks have built in heat- exchangers.


Baskin sharks are the biggest sharks that can ? 

Breach wich means they can jump out of the water.


What was the Megalodon's closest relative ?

The Mako Shark


Which of these two sharks is the most dangerous ? 

The bull shark is the number one most daangerous and the greast white is the most deadliest with 351 know attacks and 59 fatalities.


What is the difference between a Tiger sharks head and a Mako sharks head ?

Tiger Shark's long head fin is purely for aesthetic, while Mako's helps him cut through metal.


What is the Greenland shark lifespan ?

250-500+ years. Greeland Sharks enter adulthood at 150 years old and can only start reporducing at 250 years old.


Where on the body that is not the mouth do Whale shark have teeth ?

Their eyes. Whale sharks have 3,000 teeth on their eyes to defend themselves. 


About how many teeth did Megalodons have in a life time ?

Megalodons have 40,000 teeth in a lifetime.