What is a shark?
fish, cold-blooded, live in the ocean, cousins to stingrays, predators, and more!
How many bones do sharks and rays have?
What is the defence mechanism of a stingray?
Why are sharks and rays important?
managers of the reef- help regulate populations and biodiversity
What is one species of shark or stingray that can be found in the Cayman Islands?
Southern Atlantic Stingray, Eagle Ray, Nurse Shark, Caribbean Reef Shark, Hammerhead, etc.
How many gill slits to sharks and rays have?
5-7 depending on the species
What is one danger to sharks, and how can you help?
Overfishing, climate change, shark fin soup, predators, limited marine protected areas, etc.
What does it mean when a shark is spotted on the reef?
It is a healthy ecosystem!
What is the largest shark species still alive today?
Whale shark! up to 46 feet
What are two differences between a skate and a stingray?
Rays have barbs for protection, skates have thorns. Skates swim by moving tail from side to side, and rays flap their wings
What is one shark misconception and why is that bad?
Sharks are man-eating predators, Sharks come after human blood, Sharks are very dangerous, etc.
Name two types of animals, other than fish, sharks feed on.
krill, shrimp, sea lions, etc.
What is electromagnetic reception?
A sixth sense that allows sharks and rays to sense the electric pulses of prey hiding beneath the sand
What are the teeth-like structures that cover a sharks body?
Dermal Denticles
What is countershading?
A defence or stealth mechanism that camouflages the animal with a lighter underbelly and dark back
What is the name given to an important top predator in an ecosystem?
Apex predator