What is Guatemala
What is Shine?
What is Israeli Folk Dancing?
What is Citibank?
Something she ate that almost got her fired
What is a poppy seed bagel?
Costa Rica
Year that Steve and Sharon met for the first time.
What is 1996?
Favorite type of non-sport games
What are word games?
What is Oracle?
Model and make of her first car purchase in 1985
What is a Mercury Lynx
What is 1996
Where is Jamaica?
What is swing dancing or east coast swing?
What is Coopers & Lybrand?
It's a boy!
What is Zimbabwe?
College class she met her college boyfriend in.
What is Accounting?
Type of dance she wishes she had learned
What is Jazz or Ballet?
What is Mountain View - Los Altos Adult School and Cisco System-
What she screamed when giving birth to Talia
Get this ________thing out!
Other than Sweden or Israel, spent the longest time in this country.
What is Australia?
What is Chemistry?
What is the International Center of New York
What was the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation?
Number of languages she has formally studied other than English
Five languages - Hebrew, Spanish, French, Japanese, Swedish