Plot 2
Literary terms & Examples

Describe the character of Brooks.

Brooks is a kind old man who wouldn't hurt anyone. He cares for a wounded bird.


In the film, the scene where Andy is attacked by the bad men is followed by a funny scene where Heywood thinks he found a valuable rock, but he really found horse dung. What is this technique of having a tense scene followed by a funny scene called?

What is comic relief.


Define irony in general

what is irony is a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens.


Tommy Williams interacts with the old prisoners how?

Tommy Williams likes to tell funny stories and teases the old guys.


What is flashforward and give an example in the movie

Flashforward is when you cut to a future event that is happening. This happens at the beginning when Andy sits in his car, outside his wife's lover's cabin, and then it cuts to his trial.

How many times do we see Red in a parole interview?

What is 3 times.


The warden gives the new prisoners one rule.

What is the warden's one rule is not to swear using the Lord's name.

Jake is a symbol for this.

Jake is a symbol for freedom and getting better to regain his freedom.


What promise does Red make to Andy in prison?

Red promises Andy that he will go to the tree in the country and find the box Andy put there.


what is a theme? What is the theme of Shawshank Redemption?

A theme is the deeper message in the film.

"Hope is the best of things"  or "you need hope" "never lose your hope"  It's all about hope.


The biggest motif used in Red's parole hearings is?

What is the red stamp that says "Rejected" or "Released"


The older prisoners bet on the new prisoners coming in. What are they betting on?

What is which of the new prisoners is going to start to cry first.


Entering the prison the new prisoners are referred to as "fish"  Why is this ironic

What is  ALL of the prisoners are like fish. They are in a fishbowl called Shawshank, yet the older prisoners make a small distinction between themselves and the new prisoners.


Andy gets out of 2 year rut - that had the Sisters attacking him by what?

What is the licence plate factory needed resurfacing and this let to helping Hadley and beginning his financial advisor career.


There is a shot in the movie where the camera pans from a pawn shop window that features guns and then a compass. What is this communicating about Red?

What is Red is changing his mind from doing a crime (to get back into Shawshank - to going on a trip and finding Andy).

the character Fat Ass dies from this.

What is head injuries. 


Exodus: what is the significance?

What is Exodus is a book in the Bible that tells of the liberation of people from slavery. This is where Andy's Bible opens up to - to see the rock hammer's secret hiding place.


Define a red herring and give an example from this movie.

Red herring is a clue that is misleading. When Red is put in the same halfway house bedroom as Brooks, the audience thinks Red might have the same fate as Brooks.


Heywood is very angry when Andy asks what Fat Ass's real name was. Why was he so mad?

What is Heywood has conflicting emotions about the part he played in egging on Fat Ass, which led to Fat Ass crying out.


The town of Zihuatanejo means?

It represents freedom for Andy. He also mentions that it is by the Pacific Ocean and has no memory.


The warden is visually shown as an evil character the first time he talks to the new prisoners. How is this done?

What is the warden emerges from blackness and he returns to blackness.


The evil gang who attack Andy - what is their leader's name and what is the "gang" referred to as?

What is Bogs and the Sisters


What is verbal irony? Give an example

Verbal irony is when what is said is different than what is meant.

Andy agrees with the warden's statement, "Salvation lay within" when the warden hands Andy back his Bible. Yes, the rock hammer lies within, Andy is thinking.


Name of the silent partner that Andy made up.

What is Randall Stevens


Define subliminal. Give an example from the movie.

What is something that is below consciousness? It may be a sign in the background or colours used. While in the trial, Andy was wearing red, white and blue and the American flag was behind him as well as a white pillar.  He is subliminally associated with American values of hope and truth.