If the complaint description involves both chest pain and stroke symptoms, which protocol would you use?
Protocol 10 But do not utilize the Aspirin Diagonostic.
If a female is calling advising, she is having a postpartum hemorrhage. With no complications during the birth. What is the correct protocol?
Protocol 21 Hemorrhage
What is the first law of fainting?
Near fainting is best described as "almost fainted" and should be considered the same as fainting (not just dizzy).
The _____ ______ is the only recognized method of airway control in the PAI dispatch environment.
Head Tilt
Your patient is a 50YOF complaining of severe jaw pain and terrible back pain. What protocol should you select?
Protocol 10 Chest Pain
Since severe thermal burns to the eye almost always affect the face or head, go to Protocol ____.
Protocol 7 (Burns/Explosion)
If your patient is complaining of vomiting a coffee ground material, what is the correct protocol?
Protocol 21 Hemorrhage
What is the first law of chest or back pain?
"Hurts to Breathe" is not considered difficulty or abnormal breathing.
What protocol would you use for a kidney stones or infection?
Protocol 5 Back Pain
Your patient is a 87 YOM with a serious history of heart attacks. He is complaining of a new onset headache and sudden blindness. What protocol should you select?
Protocol 28 Stroke
If the complaint description suggests Trauma, choose the Chief Complaint Protocol that best addresses the ______________?
Mechanism of Injury.
If your patient is pregnant and complaining of illness, what is the correct protocol?
Protocol 26 Sick Person
What is the first law of burns?
If someone was burned, something might be burning.
What position is best for an alert patient with any breathing difficulty?
Sitting Up Position
Your patient is a 17YOF. Reporting party is her mother advising her daughter is not acting right she is just staring into space. Her right hand is twitching. Her eyes are also twitching.
Protocol 12: An Absence Seizure or Focal Seizure
If the complaint description appears to be Medical in nature, choose the Chief Complaint Protocol that best fits the patients _____ ______, with consideration given to ______ _______.
Foremost symptoms and Priority Symptoms
Pain above the naval in cardiac-range patients (females greater than 45 and males greater than 35) is considered a " ______ ________" until proven otherwise.
Heart Attack
1st Law: Don't create more victims at the scene
2nd Law: Don't get it on you or even touch it.
3rd Law: One patient down, trouble around? Two patients down, coincident found? Three patients down, danger abounds.
Pediatric patients or patients with large burns may develop __________ when exposed to prolonged cooling with water.
Your pt is a 42 Yom. He is very irate yelling and throwing things. Your rp advises you that his blood sugar is way too low. What protocol do you use?
Protocol 13: Diabetic Issues
Abdominal Pain/Cramping anytime during pregnancy should be considered ________ until proven otherwise.
Abdominal pain in a female of child-bearing age (12-50) who has fainted (or nearly fainted) is considered an ________ _________ until proven otherwise.
Ectopic Pregnancy
What is Brocks Law?
The presence of an AED does not ensure its use - the EMD does.
A healthy child in cardiac arrest is considered to have a ......
Foreign body airway obstruction until proven otherwise.
Your pt is a 10 year old stuck in the swing at the playground. What protocol should you use?