How do we wait in line?
Keep this in your mouth.
What is water?
In the trash can.
Where do we put used paper towels?
How do we enter and behave in the library?
Keep these to yourself.
What are "hands and feet?"
Count 1,2,3.
What do you do when waiting for the fountain?
All students' responsibility.
Whose responsibility is keeping the bathrooms neat?
With care and respect.
How do we treat the books we borrow?
Your Designated Dismissal Gate.
Where you go AFTER being dismissed by your TEACHER.
Touch ONLY this while drinking.
What is the water?
What do we all need to respect in the bathroom?
Read quietly.
What do we do in the library at the tables?
Inside the gate.
Where do you wait?
What does every body need in order to stay healthy?
Soap and water.
What do we need to use to wash our hands after using the bathroom?
Keep these to yourself.
What do we do with hands, feet, and objects?
Alan runs through the gate without letting his teacher know that his family is there to pick him up. His teacher did not see him leave.
What is an example of how NOT to behave at disimissal.
Chris runs to the fountain and jumps up on the fountain pipes. He then puts his mouth on the fountain as he drinks. The person behind him counts 1,2,3 but he ignores him and keeps drinking.
What is an example of how NOT to act at the water fountain.
20 seconds.
How long do we soap our hands to get rid of germs?
Students talking loudly when looking for books or while reading at tables.
Alondra waits behind the gate with her class. She spots her father parking in the white zone. She tells her teacher that he is parking. The teacher asks Alondra to come up front to exit the gate. Alondra leaves with her father.
What is an example of HOW TO ACT at dismissal?
Johnny walks over to the fountain and stands behind Paola. Johnny begins to count at normal speech, 1, 2, 3. Paola finishes and walks away. Johnny turns on the fountain and drinks the water with his mouth only touching the water.
What is an example of HOW TO ACT when using the water fountain.
Students play tag and scream in the restroom.
What is an example of what NOT to do in the bathroom.
Students take a shelf marker and look for book. Books get put back in the correct place.
What is an example of HOW TO ACT in the library?