Lining Up!
After Recess and Lunch
Before School Behavior
Lunch Tables!


How do we wait in line?


Keep these to yourself.

What are "hands and feet?"


Don't talk while doing this.

What is "chewing food?"



How should we wait in the office?


In a line, in number order.

How do we stand when lunch recess is over?



What you are if you are not in your classroom when the bell rings.


Where you eat your lunch.

What is your assigned table?


Quietly and respectfully.

How should we sit while waiting in the office?


Promptly and calmly.

Which adverbs describe how we walk from lunch recess into the classroom?


Where you should be BEFORE the bell rings.

What is "in line?"


Until you are excused, remain_________.

What is "seated?"


Giving a note from the teacher to the office staff.

How should a student let the office staff know why they are there?


Perla hears the bell and the whistle but decides inish her soccer game.  A few minutes later she returns to the class, sweaty and out of breath, needing a drink of water.  The rest of the class is inside, working.

What is an example of how not to act when lunch recess ends?


Use this before the bell rings.

What is....the bathroom?


Put trash here.

What is "in the trash can?"


Bruh, why is this taking so long?

What should you NOT say to the office staff while waiting for help?


At the end of lunch recess, Jose plays on the monkey bars and  then runs to his line and throws his luchbox which hits another student.

What is an example of how NOT to act at the end of lunch recess?


Micah arrives at 8:00 at his classroom's designated spot.  His phone is OFF and in his backpack. When his teacher arrives he walks quietly in line into class.

What is an example of how we SHOULD ACT at the beginning of the day.


Miguel squirts ketchup at another student, Marta. Marta hits him and tells the teacher Miguel squirted her with the ketchup.

What is an example of how NOT to behave during lunch.


Frieda comes into the office and knocks on the counter repeatedly while the office staff members are on the phone.  She makes loud noises and does not sit down.

What is an example of how NOT TO ACT in the OFFICE>


Jonah hear the whistle. Though he is about to make a shot he stops and tells his friends they are pausing their basketball game until tomorrow.  He goes to his line-up spot and waits for his teacher.

What is an example of how we SHOULD ACT when lunch recess ends?


Micah comes to school, runs to his class line, with his hoddie up, and throws his back pack which hits another student.  He takes out his phone to check the weather.

What is an example of how NOT to act at the beginning of the day.


Miguel drops his milk carton on the floor.  He picks it up and pours the unused milk into the white bucket and puts the carton in the compost.

What is an example of how we SHOULD behave in the lunch room?


Larry comes in the office with a note and waits for help.  The office staff finish the 30 things they are doing and help Larry. They thank him and he returns to class.

What is an example of how we SHOULD ACT in the OFFICE.