July 1st 2022
What color does yellow and blue make when combined
How many thermometers are suppose to be in the kitchen at all times?
What year was Lemont Furnace Sheetz store first opened? (exact day will get you double points.)
April 28th
What year was Sheetz founded?
How many supervisors, assistants, and store managers do we have?
2 assistants
1 store manager
Free Space
(Double Jeopardy) How many allergens are there?
What are the allergens?
Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, Shellfish, Sesame seed
How many fluid oz of alcohol can you sell to one customer in one transaction?
Who founded the company "Sheetz"
Bob Sheetz
What did we get on our first QA that Jannelle was here?
(Double Jeopardy) Who was the 13th President of the United States?
Millard Fillmore
What do you do with the white thermometers when they break? What do you do with the grey one?
White- throw away
Grey- put a call in
What is our district manager's name?
Who is the President/CEO Of "Sheetz"
Travis Sheetz
How many times did Derek come in on his vacation?
What is the most played song on Spotify?
Blinding Lights - The Weeknd
What do we do for bodily fluid clean up?
TB cide.
How many stores are in our district?
How Many States Have Sheetz Stores
6 States
What does IDEA stand for?
Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, Accessibility
What is the record for most hole in ones at the PGA Tour?
10 which is shared by Robert Allenby and Hal Sutton
How many inches above ground are chemicals allowed to be store it the back room?
36 inches
What is our Regional managers name?
(Double Jeopardy)How many Sheetz DNA strands are there?
Pioneering, high energy, real, Connected, Dependable, Driven to win, Respect