What major Australian city did Shelly live in?
What is Shelly's favorite TV Show?
The Office
What is Shelly's favorite book?
The Hunger Games
Legally Blonde
What is Shelly's favorite color? (specificity matters)
Coral pink
Shelly could eat 2 things every single day.
What are they?
Popcorn & chocolate
What mythical creature does Shelly wholeheartedly believe exists?
What was Shelly's worst subject in school?
History/Social Studies
Who is Shelly's celebrity crush?
Trevor Noah
What year did Shelly graduate from Spelman?
December of 2018
How old was Shelly when she got her driver's license?
19 (and a half)
the summer after her sophomore year of college
What surgery did Shelly wake up during?
Wisdom teeth removal
What is Shelly's favorite bible verse?
(2 acceptable answers)
Show love in everything you do - 1 Cor 16:14
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him - Phil 2:13
What was Shelly's first word?
Bob (the vid tech)
What is Shelly's go-to order at a nice restaurant?
Surf & terf
What is Shelly's favorite scent?
Sweet almond oil
What is Shelly's favorite Christmas song?
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Shelly has had a tattoo removed. What was that tattoo?
A wonky-looking airplane
How did Shelly's first goldfish die?
(double points if you know the fish's name)
A big kid dumped fish food on Dorothy's head
What was Shelly's skype name in middle school?