Name someone from my Portion?
Moses, Aaron, God, Nadab, Abihu, ETC
Which one is a kosher animal?
A:Gazelle B:Pig C:Camel D: Ostrich
where is my torah portion based?
bottom of mount sinai
how many sections are in my D'var Torah, 4, 5, 6, or 7?
name an animal that was sacrificed
goat, calf, ram, and lamb
Are birds all not kosher? If not name a kosher bird.
No, Chicken or duck.
what are one of the ways Aaron and his sons ready the sacrifices?
they burn the fat, Take the blood out, slaughter the animal, lead the ceremony.
Name one of the two people who wrote my commentaries.
Ibn Ezra or Rashi
who were the people who died in my Portion?
Nadab and Abihu
What makes a fish Kosher?
they have fins and scales
What did Nadab and Abihu Do?
They gave a sacrifice to god which he didn't like.
what is my koshi?
why did God punish Nadab and Abihu for giving a sacrifice to him as a sign of respect.
who sacrificed the animals to god and what were the Animals?
Aaron and his sons sacrificed the animals and they sacrificed a goat, calf, ram, and lamb.
what are the rules about eating an animal?
they need to be killed without pain or you can’t eat it. You have to kill it by the neck. If the animal dies naturally you can’t eat it or touch it or it is seen as unholy.
What did Aaron say to defend his sons?
by saying that this is how his other two sons died
What is the point of my drash?
That God was feeling disrespected by Nadab and Abihu's sacrifice
What were Aarons and his sons' jobs?
There jobs were to distinguish the difference between holy and unholy.
what bugs and fish are kosher? name at least 4
cod, salmon, tuna, carp, locust, and crickets
What are Aaron and sons told to do by Moses following the death of Nadab and Abihu?
he tells them not to mourn and not intoxicate themselves
what is my relevance?
My relevance is that you can't be greedy if you are going to give someone things. You should be kind and put thought into what you are giving someone.