The first police crime lab in the world was founded by this gentleman; he also had an important forensic principle named after him.
Who is Edmond Locard?
This is the most common plant fiber found at a crime scene.
What is cotton?
OR What is white cotton?
This is the innermost layer of a hair.
What is the medulla?
True or False: Identical twins have the same fingerprints.
What is False?
This candy claims to melt in your mouth, but not in your hand.
What is/are M&M's?
This man is credited as the first to develop a scientific system of personal identification.
Who is Alphonse Bertillon?
If hair is natural, the cuticle is supposed to give this appearance.
What is transparent?
What is colorless?
What is clear?
OR What is scaly?
True or False: Some human hairs don't have a detectable medulla.
What is True?
The center of a whorl pattern is called this.
What is the core?
This is the most popular non-chocolate Halloween candy in the US overall, according to "Candy Store."
What are Sour Patch Kids?
This author originated the detective Sherlock Holmes.
Who is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?
This is the typical number of hairs picked off a person by a CSI.
What is 50?
The medullary index is the ratio between the diameter of the medulla to the diameter of this.
What is the hair shaft?
OR What is the cortex?
OR What is the entire hair?
Leaving fingerprints is only possible due to the ___________ on people's hands every day.
What is sweat?
OR What are oils?
Benzaldehyde is the molecule majorly responsible for the flavor in almonds, as well as this specific, sweetened, dyed variety of fruit. You can often find one atop an ice cream sundae.
What are Maraschino cherries?
OR what are cocktail cherries?
OR what are candy cherries?
The oldest forensic lab in the US was established by this man.
Who is August Vollmer?
Proteins are the monomers of this general type of natural fiber.
What is animal fiber?
This is what it means when the medullary index is greater than 0.5.
What is "the hair is not from a human?"
A triangle shaped feature in a fingerprint, found near loops and whorls, is known as this.
What is a delta?
This was the country in which the first known concept of "candy" was made. (Hint: Think ancient times, at least 2,000 B.C.E.)
What is Egypt?
Fingerprinting was first pioneered by this fellow.
Who is Francis Galton?
These are the four types of plant fibers.
What are fibers from the seed, the fruit, the stem, and the leaf?
(Partial credit is allowed.)
Human hair has an M.I. of less than this number.
What is 0.33?
OR What is 1/3? OR What is one-third?
Only about 5% of people in the world have this type of general fingerprint pattern.
What is arch?
This divisive confection is flavored by the root of the same name, but its taste is reinforced by anise oil. (So, much of the flavor does not come from the actual root itself.) This flavor profile is also found in many tobacco products, which are not recommended.
What is licorice?