Total Eclipse of the Heart
Stars Dance
Across the Universe
Sun/Moon/Earth Interactions

This is what "revolution" means, in Earth Science terms.

What is something like "moving around the Sun"
OR "orbiting around the Sun"
OR "taking a path to make a complete loop"
OR "the motion to complete a period?"


This is the kind of eclipse in which you need to wear eye protection or look through special equipment in order to safely observe it.

What is a solar eclipse?


The hottest stars known to mankind are a shade of this color.

What is blue?


There are four Jovian planets. Name one.

What is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune?


True or False: The Earth and the Moon both revolve clockwise in their respective orbits. 

What is False?
[They both revolve counterclockwise in their orbits.] 


This is the time & location in which the Earth is closest to the Sun, which occurs at some point with the first week of January.

What is "perihelion?"


This is the kind of eclipse in which the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon.

What is a lunar eclipse?


The star Aldebaran is approximately this temperature, to the nearest 1000 Kelvin.

What is 4,000 K?


The Coriolis Effect and Foucault's Pendulum are proof of this phenomenon in our galaxy.

What is Earth's rotation? 


This is the period of revolution for the Moon, given in Earth days. (So, don't say "about a month.") 

What is 27.3 days?
OR What is 27 days? 


This is what we call a 23.5 degree line of latitude, which has the sun appear directly overhead on one of the solstices. 

What is a "tropic?"
(more specifically, the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn) 


This is the kind of eclipse in which the Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth.

What is a solar eclipse? 


This is how much more luminous the North Star is, compared to the Sun.

What is (a number between 1,000 & 10,000) times?


This is the most elliptical planetary orbit in our solar system.

What is Mercury?


This is why the Sun's gravitational pull does not completely overwhelm or overshadow the Moon's effect on tides.

What is something akin to "the Sun is too far away?"
OR What is "the Sun is much further away than the Moon?"


This is what "terrestrial planet" means. 

What is "a rocky planet"
OR what is "a planet with a solid crustal surface"
OR what is "one of the four planets closest to the sun?" 


This is the lunar phase that must be taking place during a lunar eclipse.

What is a full moon?


These are the two elements that make up the majority of the mass of stars.

What are hydrogen (H) and helium (He)?
[Half-credit if only one is given]


This is how many times more dense Venus is compared to Uranus.

What is 4 times denser? 


When the Sun, Moon, and Earth form a right angle, with Earth at the point, that is when this phenomenon occurs on the surface of the Earth.

What are neap tides?


This is what "heliocentric" means.

What is something like "the Sun is the center of this system?"


This is the reason eclipses don't happen every 1-2 months.

What is something along the lines of "the Moon's orbit is not on the same plane as the Earth's orbit?"
OR "The moon's path is tilted by a few degrees?"


After a massive star explodes into a supernova, it can become one of two things. Name both.

What is a neutron star or a black hole?
[Half-credit will be given for just one of them.]


This is the only planet whose "days" on that planet are longer than the "years" on that planet.
*Hint: It's not Earth we're talking about. 

What is Venus?
[Period of rotation is longer than their period of revolution.]


This is when spring tides occur. (Hint: It's not only in the springtime.)

What is when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are all aligned?
OR What is during a new moon or full moon?