Who is Sherlock Holmes?
A detective
Pl form of goose/ tooth/mouse
to win:
a) a reward
b) an award
c) a title
d) respect
воск и настроение
wax/ mood
When did Watson visit Sherlock Holmes?
2 days after Christmas
3 forms of steal
Sherlock and Holmes always ______ a case.
a) decide
b) answer
c) manage
d) solve
поля/края шляпы
brim of a hat
Where is the hat from?
from Peterson
3 forms of lie (regular) and lie (irregular)
lie-lay-lain лежать
lie-lied - lied лгать
Paraphrase using another verb:
This hat is owned by Mr. Baker
This hat ______ to Mr. Baker
This hat belongs to Mr. Baker
лупа и витрина
What was in the goose?
A blue carbuncle
Translate in into the past tense:
Sherlock has a talent to read people and uses the methods of deduction to solve difficult crimes.
Sherlock had a talent to read people and used the methods of deduction to solve difficult crimes.
to ______ a crime:
a) commit
b) do
c) make
d) perform
драгоценный камень и бриллиант
precious stone / diamond
Who had stolen the blue carbuncle and how?
James Ryder
Retell the first part of the story in the past tense.
After the conflict I want to _____my friendship with him.
a) repair
b) ruin
c) mend
d) glue
чернила/ пот/ иметь предусмотрительность
black ink/ sweat/ to have foresight