Supporting Details
Sherlock Holmes

This person was the police agent. 

Who is Mr. Jones?


This item was noticed by Holmes on top of the safe in Dr. Roylott's room.

What is a saucer of milk?


She dies.

What is what happens two weeks before Julia's wedding?


True or false, Holmes's suspicions about the gypsies being involved in Julia's murder are wrong.

What is true?


He let a snake through the ventilator into her room.

What is how Dr. Roylott tries to kill Helen?


This person was the bank director.  

Who is Mr. Merryweather?


The fact that Julia's bed could not be moved.

What is something that he finds peculiar about Julia's bed?


Holmes looks at the assistant's pants.

What is when Holmes visits Mr. Wilson's business, at the pawnshop in Coburg Square?


A Chinese coin on Mr. Wilson's watch chain and his tattoo of a Chinese-style fish let Holmes know this.

What is that Mr. Wilson spent time in China?


Holmes can tell the way Helen Stoner has traveled to see him via dog-cart by this.

What is the mud splattered on her sleeve?


True or false, John Clay wants to steal the crown jewels from the bank. 

What is false?


The ventilator and the thick bell-pull in Helen/Julia's room.

What are things that stood out to Holmes when investigating the room?


A new client, Helen Stoner, had arrived.

What is why did Holmes wake Watson up at quarter past seven?


He gets the snake to go back through the ventilator, which riles it up causing it to bite Roylott.

What is how Sherlock Holmes is "indirectly responsible for Dr. Grimesby Roylott's death" (P 251)?


Mr. Wilson leaves his pawnbroker business for four hours everyday to be a member of the Red-Headed League.

What is because he does not want to pass up the pay?


This person was a con man, a thief, and also known as Vincent. 

Who is John clay?.


He told Mr. Wilson about the job at the Red-Headed League.

Who is Vincent Spaulding?


A pawnbroker's work is done in the evenings and the Red-Headed League work is in the morning and Vincent Spaulding says he will look after the business for him.

What is why Mr. Wilson leaves his pawnbroker business for four hours everyday to be a member of the Red-Headed League?

Holmes figures out that Spaulding is doing something in the cellar. 

What is Spaulding's "love" of photography?


These words "It was the band!  The speckled band!" were said when.

What are Julia's last words?


This person was Helen and Julia's stepfather, a doctor who once practiced in India, and a member of one of the oldest Saxon families in England.  

Who is Dr. Roylott?


Holmes observes the order to the houses in the neighborhood and taps the sidewalk with his stick.

What is when Holmes visits Mr. Wilson's business, at the pawnshop in Coburg Square?


The passage that Sherlock means, "your stepfather has hurt you physically."

What is "You have been cruelly used" (P 73)?


The meaning of "from what you have told me I think that it is possible that graver issues hand from it than might at first sight appear."

What is that the case is probably more dangerous than it looks?


By these two names the man "with a pale face and a shock of very red hair" (P192) is referred.

What are Duncan Ross and John Clay's partner in crime?