Andrews High School Nickname
What is Sexy Metzy?
What Andrew did his Sophomore summer
What is deputation in Colombia?
First country Andrew and Kurt visited
What is Portugal?
Number of SAMBICA summers worked
What is 5?
Place Andrew and Kylie first met
What is SAMBICA? extra 100 for upper vic
Biggest Salmon Andrew Caught
What is 43 pounds?
Study abroad dive trip Andrew went on
What is the Blue Hole, Belize?
Country that has a city named Metz
What is France?
Andrews full time job title
What is "Youth Programs Manager"?
Thing Andrew and Kylie gave each other each month of the first year dating
What is love letters?
Sport where Andrew won every game in 5th grade
What is Basketball?
Andrews Ave House Room
What is the 2nd floor far post?
Vending Machine food eaten before sleeping outside
What is Pizza?
Andrews favorite SAMBICA dance
What is Rasputin?
Scene of Andrew and Kylies first kiss
What is after watching Shrek in Kylies living room?
Summer Vacation spot for the Metz family
What is Camano Island?
Amount of water Andrew once drank in 24 hours
What is 5 gallons?
Italian Cocktail that Andrew deleted
What is Limoncello?
Cabin Sherpa stayed in his first summer
What is Joppa?
Movie Kylie and Andrew watched on their anniversary
What is Django Unchained?
Andrews number in football
What is 53?
Running challenge, Andrew successfully completed
What is 4x4x48?
Phrase that Turkish bath guy kept yelling at Andrew
What is "YES SIR!"?
Sherpas first co counselor
What is Chief?
Kylies favorite date to go on with Andrew
What is roadtrip adventures to a new place?