March has this many days
This famous magician, born March 24, 1874, was well known for his escape artist tricks.
Harry Houdini
In March 1959 what iconic doll was unveiled at the New York toy fair?
St Patrick's Day
What time-related event occurs on March 9?
Daylight Savings Time
This person, born March 3, 1847, is famous for inventing the telephone.
Alexander Graham Bell
The Ides of March became an "infamous day" when this person was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC.
Julius Caesar
What are the three colors of the Irish flag?
Green, white and orange.
This astronomical event occurs on March 20th this year and is when the daytime and nighttime have similar (but not quite equal) lengths.
Spring Equinox
This children's book author, born on March 2, 1904, is responsible for Thing 1 and Thing 2.
Dr. Seuss
On March 31st, 1889, this opened to the public in France.
The Eiffel Tower
Blue Devils
What cheerful Irish greeting is often associated with St. Patrick’s Day? Answer: "Top of the morning to you"
"Top o' the morning to you"
"Mardi Gras", which was held in March this year, translates to this in English.
Fat Tuesday
This German-born physicist and founder of the theory of relativity was born on March 14, 1879.
Albert Einstein
March 19th, 1962: In the US, this young folk singer releases his first album, self titled.
Bob Dylan
What's the tagline for the breakfast cereal Lucky Charms? Answer: "They're magically delicious."
"They're magically delicious."
We celebrate this on March 8th! It is worldwide celebration of women's rights and celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
International Women's Day
This "Rocket Man" and the "Queen of Soul" share the same birthday: March 25
Elton John and Aretha Franklin
On March 4, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in his inaugural address, sought to inspire Americans during the Great Depression, including the famous line
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
North Carolina
What popular theater show featured Michael Flatley and Jean Butler step-dancing to traditional Irish music?