Per size, how many pumps of vanilla go in the Lavender Creme Frap?
1, 2, 2
What temperature does the condiment bar carafe need to be at?
40 or below
What does L-O-A stand for in reference to development?
Learning, Owning, Advising
What time is the timer set for in the customer support cycle?
15 minutes for peak, 30 minutes outside of peak
Is it okay for the back door to be left open while running trash?
What NEW core coffee is being added for Spring?
Starbucks Sunsera Blend
Who is defined as a customer according the Coffeehouse Code of Conduct?
Purchasing customers or those accompanying them
What does the acronym in the ACT Decision Making Model stand for?
Take Action
Cafe Order Routine
1. Welcome
2. Ring
3. Tender
4. Gather
5. Finish
How often should sanitizer be tested? and what should the test strip show?
Every time it changed and 150 or higher
What is the new food item being added to the menu for Spring?
Jalapeno Chicken Pocket
When and to whom should for here ware be offered to a customer?
To every customer at the register
What is the Shift Pattern?
Prepare, Lead, and Transition
Lobby Check Routine
1 - Check and stock condiment bar
2 - Bus for-here ware
3 - Check & Stock Restrooms
4 - Finish
Does every day dot need a date written on it?
What are the flavors of the new Energy Drinks?
Peach and Blueberry Lemonade
How often are coffee & espresso quality tastings completed?
3 times a day
What should be gone over during check in?
Partner check on Ipad
Partner Sign-in
Dress Code
Weekly Readiness chart
Hand-Off Routine
1 - Gather
2 - Callout
3- Stage
4 - Finish
Who checks off when a clean safe ready card is complete?
Play Caller
How much space is left for cold foam when making a drink?
1 inch
What are the Four Fundamentals of Brewing?
Proportion, Grind, Water & Freshness
3 parts of SSV Approach
Creating the Environment,
Running Shifts with Customers at our Core,
and Solving Problems in the Moment
Customer Support Cycle
1- Skip Brew coffee
2-Check lobby
3-Complete Cycle Task
4-Task assigned by Play Caller
According to the food case card, what day part should "food within code date" be checked?
All day parts