The Main character of one of Destiny's expansions is revealed to be a Trans-Masc in a series of unlockable stories in the game
All Star - Smash Mouth
JoJo Golden Wind opening
This famous ridiculous theory became a meme after the legendary theory guy made it
The infamous Sans is Ness theory
An rpg series i like
Final Fantasy
This MTF Character first appeared as a basic enemy in the Final Fight Series and then made an appearance in Street Fighter 4 and Street Fighter x Tekken
Sadness and Sorrow aka The talke no jutsu/ Sad Character Backstory theme from Naruto
This theory is so good and popular that the creators are considering putting it in a remake of the game which fans believe will never come out
The FF8 Squall is dead Theory
a smash dlc character
Name the two official Trans Characters in the Mario Franchise both of them being MTF
Birdo (SMB2 an most spinoffs) and Vivian (PM2)
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
A cruel Angels thesis - Neon Genesis Evangelion
These Pokemon are believed to be related and got a scrapped split evolution Line thing
Kangaskhan is Cubone's mother Theory
An Emo Song
Bring me to Life
This Flamboyant Robot Entertainer Boss from Indie Hit Undertale is implied to be a trans-femme
Mettaton Exe
Call me maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
Renai Circulation - Monogatori
This Theory about FNAF has a ridiculous theory that is solely based on the animatronics designs
The Place in FNAF Sister Location was basically a brothel with animatronics
A fighting game
This Optional Character you can find in act 3 of BG3 is revealed to be a trans-femme if you pay attention to some rare dialogue in Act 1 and it's also revealed that her friend fought everyone who deadnamed her which is awesome
Hey Brother - Avicii
Blin Bang Bang born - Mashle
This Theory from one of your favourite games claims that all the time you were actually working for the bad guy because of a dialogue in the game and the lack of knowledge about some things in the game
Destiny: The guardians are actually the darkness
A Pokemon