About Shinto
Beliefs and Customs
Sacred Books and Laws
Traditions and Holydays
Impurity and Purity
Shinto is a polytheistic religion.
What is the type of religion is Shinto, polytheistic or monotheistic?
Amaterasu, the Sun goddess, is considered to be the most important goddess.
Who is the god or goddess considered as the most important in Shinto?
The Kojiki is the sacred book of Shinto.
What is the sacred book of Shinto?
Weddings are the least common tradition that Shinto uses
What is the least common tradition the followers of Shinto use?
Everyone is born pure.
Who is born pure?
Shinto originated in Japan.
What is the location of where Shinto originated?
There are invisible and visible worlds in the universe.
What is their Shinto belief about the universe?
The sacred books contains many myths and tales and each one has a lesson.
What is contained within the sacred books of Shinto?
Followers of Shinto are allowed to celebrate Seijin Shiki at the age of 20 years old.
What is the age that followers of Shinto can celebrate Seijin Shiki?
Followers of Shinto want to be pure because impurity (like committing a sin) seperates you from the kami.
What is the reason of wanting to be pure?
Shinto means 'the way of the kami'.
What is the definition of Shinto?
A kami is a god. The kami take form of an idea that is important to life as a spirit.
What is a kami?
The purpose of using the sacred books is to record and tell information for future generations in order to learn about the past.
What is the purpose of using the sacred books of Shinto?
Hina-matsuri is a festival for females.
What is the gender that is able to celebrate the Hina-matsuri of Shinto?
Being impure (pollution or committing a sin) separates you from the kami. While being pure is the same as being clean.
What is the difference between being pure and impure?
Shinto is the native faith of the Japanese people.
What is the native faith of Japanese people in Shinto?
When a person dies, their spirit remains forever just like the spirit of a kami does and that dead person will be admired.
What is the Shinto belief of afterlife?
There is no laws in Shintoism.
What is the law of Shinto?
Rei-sai is celebrated with a festival. In this festival, the local kami are carried in effigies (a model of a person) around the town in a mikoshi. A mikoshi is just like a sedan chair.
What is the way of celebrating Rei-sai?
They could perform purifying rituals in order to be clean again.
What is a way to be pure again?
Shinto has no founder.
Who is the founder of Shinto?
Impurity (committing sins) separates you from the kami and everyone is born pure. However, you could be cleaned with purifying rituals.
What is the Shinto belief of purity and impurity?
Followers try to live according to the way of the kami by avoiding mistakes the kami has done.
What is the way that followers of Shinto try live according to the way of the kami?
Their wedding ritual are based out of the ceremony for the wedding of Prince Yoshihito and Princess Sado in the year of 1900.
What is the Shinto wedding ritual based on?
The purifying ritual is performed at the beginning of religious ceremonies of Shinto.
What is the time of performing purifying rituals?