These are the YWAM Ships Kona Base leaders
Brett and Karen
This is the Hawaiian word for family
This is the number of married couples on multiply staff
This is the prime minister of Britain in World War 2
Winston Churchill
The official residence of the British monarch in London
Buckingham Palace
This was the year that YWAM Ships Kona's base was purchased
This is how you say "breath of life" in Hawaiian
This staff thew up on a dolphin
This is the most commonly spoken language in the world
This is the name of the largest religious monument located in Cambodia
Angkor Wat
The name of the first vessel YWAM purchased
This is how many counties are in the Big Island
This Staff put their childhood hamster in an easter egg, tragically ending its life
This base staff screams at the top of their lungs when they see geckos
Miss Joyce
The three official currencies use in Cambodia
The Riel, the Dollar, and the Thai baht
What year was the famous YWAM Fish miracle
This is the Hawaii state bird
The Nene!!!!!
This is how long uncle Sean has been bald
23 years
This telekinetic Marvel character is also known as Scarlet Witch
Wanda Maximoff
This is the tallest mountain in PNG at 14,793 ft.
Mt. Wilhelm
The name of the training sail boat used by the School of Navigation and Seamanship
These are the names of all the volcanos on the Big Island
Hualalai, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Kilauea, Kohala
This lesser-known Old testament Figure Killed 600 Philistines with an Ox goad and is mentioned only once in the book of judges
This is how many bible-less languages YWAM Ships Kona has committed to translating