Zapped !
Bend and Strech
What did you say?
Who's the Boss?
Joe Dirt

An OSHA employee who has received the electrical safety training specified in this program to identify and control electrical hazards. An OSHA Employee that is also familiar with electrical equipment hazards and configurations.

What is an OSHA Qualified Person?

*We have none*


The science of fitting jobs to people encompassing the body of knowledge about physical abilities and limitations as well as other human characteristics that are relevant to job design.

What is Ergonomics?


Noise exposure in excess of 85 dBA, as an 8-hour TWA.  

What is the Action Level where a Hearing Conservation Program must be implemented?


The incident area at a site where there is or may be the presence of hazardous materials that can or could pose a serious hazard to an employee if it is entered without appropriate personal protective devices.

What is the Hot Zone?


- Compressive strength of 1.5 ton per square foot (tsf) (144 kPa) or greater.

- Compressive strength greater than 0.5 tsf (48 kPa) but less than 1.5 tsf (144 kPa).

- Compressive strength of 0.5 tsf (48 kPa) or less 

What are Types A, B, and C soil?


Assess areas for electrical hazards when conducting work activities at another employer’s worksite.

What is the first step in CSHO Electrical Safety?


1. Ensure all employees are provided the opportunity to participate in the program. 

2. Conduct worksite analysis for ergonomic risk factors. 

3. Develop and implement feasible controls to reduce ergonomic hazards. 

4. Ensure implementation of the medical management program for diagnosis and treatment of injuries and illnesses. 

5. Ensure training is provided on this program. 

6. Maintain worksite surveillance of the effectiveness of the program and develop action items as necessary.

What are the OSHA Managerial Responsibilities under SHMS Chapter 20?


A change in hearing threshold relative to the baseline audiogram of an average of 10 dB or more at 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 Hz in either ear.

What is a Standard Threshold Shift (STS)?


Meeting location of the Harrisburg Area office

Where is the end of parking lot?


2 feet above and 18 inches above

What is the placement of the shield system in the trench?


Unless specifically permitted flexible cords and cables may not be used in this manor

What is fixed wiring of a structure, run through holes and concealed in walls, ceiling or floors, run through doorways, windows or similar openings, attached to buildings?


Aspects of a job that post a biomechanical stress to the employee, such as forceful exertion, repetition, awkward or static postures, contact stress and vibration.

What are common Ergonomic Risk Factors?

This shall be worn if exposures exceed 105 dBA as an 8-hour TWA

What is dual hearing protection?


Health Response Team, structural engineers, and chemical engineers.

What are the available OSHA resources for significant events?


Needed for a trench that is more than 20 feet deep

What is approval from a registered engineer?


An OSHA employee who imay perform work near energized and deenergized electrical equipment operating or typically operated at 50 or more volts. This employee must receive training that prepares them to work safely by being able to identify electrical hazards and maintain appropriate safe distances.

What is an OSHA Unqualified Person?

*All Field Employees*


a. Elimination; 

b. Engineering controls; 

c. Work practice or administrative controls; 

d. Personal protective equipment; 

e. Controls should be identified and implemented for work-related ergonomic hazards. Lifts during the loading of equipment into a motor vehicle is limited to 25 pounds per lift. All other lifts are limited to a maximum of 50 pounds.

What are the Ergonomic Hierarchy of Controls?


XMAS: Location of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree

Where is New York, New York?


1. Employees responding to incidents are trained and qualified in the necessary procedures and directives. 

2. Employees are familiar with this procedure. 

3. There is coordination with the Region, the Health Response Team, and the National Office.

What are the responsibilities of OSHA Management during Significant Events?

Sloping, benching, shoring

What are types of trench protection?


Greater than 50 volts Alternating Current

What is the OSHA's definition of High Voltage?


1. Notify management of signs and symptoms of ergonomic injuries and illnesses and work-related ergonomic risk factors. 

2. Participate in all aspects of the program, such as submitting concerns related to risk factors, discussing work methods, offering suggestions in problem solving exercises, and participating in all related education and training.

What are the employee responsibilities under SHMS Chapter 20?


The employee shall be informed of this fact in writing, within 21 days of the determination.

What is the timeframe to inform an employee of a Threshold shift?


XMAS: This happens when a bell rings

What is an angel gets it's wings?


When a stairway, ladder or ramp is required and the lateral travel distance allowed to it

What is 4 feet or more in depth and no more than 25 feet of lateral travel for employees?