This type of shock involves blood flow obstruction
What is Obstructive Shock?
This is your skin condition that indicates shock
What is cool, clammy, pale skin?
Rapid transport is high or low priority?
What is high priority?
These are key interventions for hypovolemic shock
What is bleeding control and rapid transport?
This type of shock exhibits rapid heart rate
What is compensated shock?
This type of shock involves pump failure. Pressure drops in the circulatory system and blood cannot be moved
What is Cardiogenic Shock?
This is abnormal capillary refill time
These are examples of ways to prevent heat loss
What is wrapping in blankets, drying off a wet patient, removing wet/bloody clothing?
These are key interventions for cardiogenic shock
What is requesting ALS?
This type of shock exhibits low blood pressure
What is decompensated shock?
This type of shock is caused specifically by uncontrolled bleeding
What is Hemorrhagic Shock?
This is your cardiorespiratory rate in compensated shock
This treatment is used to prevent hypoxia
What is supplemental oxygen?
These are key interventions for neurogenic shock
What is spine stabilization and restoring fluid volume?
This type of shock results in permanent organ damage
What is irreversible shock?
This type of shock is most commonly seen by EMTs and is a result of insufficient volume in the circulatory system
What is Hypovolemic Shock?
This is your cardiorespiratory rate in decompensated shock
What is decreased heart and respiratory rate?
These are ways to protect the airway
What is patient positioning, adjunct airway, removing foreign object(s)?
These are key interventions for anaphylactic shock
What is administration of epinephrine?
Hypotension, unresponsiveness, and cyanosis are signs of this type of shock
What is irreversible shock?
This type of shock is caused by the uncontrolled dilation of blood vessels from nerve paralysis caused by spinal cord injuries
What is neurogenic shock?
This is a blood pressure trend noted over time for a worsening shock condition
What is a narrowing blood pressure trend?
This category of shock requires ALS
What is cardiogenic shock?
There are key interventions for sepsis
What is early recognition, rapid transport, and notifying the receiving hospital?
Order the shock severities chronologically:
A. Irreversible
B. Compensated
C. Decompensated
What is B, C, A?