
Fadi's character traits

What is affection and 

The location where Mariam got lost

What is the Pakistan-Afghan border?


Habib and Zafoona moved back to Afghanistan from the USA for this reason.


How had Fadi changed throughout the first chapter?

He became more of a shell and depressed human.


Why do you think that Felix and Ike are so mean to Fadi and kids that are different? 

What is 


Fadi and every member of his family would die for this person

Who is Mariam


Kabul is located in this country

What is Afghanistan?


Fadi thought that if he did this than he could get to Mariam.

What is hiding in Habib's cab where he would get onto a plane to London and then Pakistan. 


What happened during 9/11 and why are people like Fadi are blamed for it. 

What is terrorists from Afghanistan drove a plane into the twin towers in New York City, causing death and destruction? Because Fadi is from Afghanistan, people assume he could be a terrorist too. 


Where Noor worked

What is McDonald's


This would mentally destroy Fadi and his family

What is Mariam dying or being lost forever


Fadi take the pictures of the street signs at this location, it is also the place where his family lives

What is San Francisco?


 A major country wide event that caused turmoil throughout different ethnicities including Fadi's.  

What is 9/11?


How has Fadi’s family changed since moving to the U.S.?

What is gaining freedoms, and civil liberties, learning to accept a new culture and finding hope?


Habib’s job when he worked with the Taliban 

What was stopping farmers from planting poppies to create drugs (opioids)


This is Fadi's defining strength

What is taking pictures and portraying messages through them


The historical context and timing of the events so far have affected the mood

What are the Taliban and the anxiety that they provoke?

What is the strong desire to leave and be free from their home country?

 What are the numerous attacks the Taliban and Al Qaeda has launched on innocent citizens so far that have caused thousands of casualties, and the worry they cause?


How did what happened to Mariam make Fadi a better character/person?


Why are the Nurzai’s so worried about Mariam’s safety?

What is Afghanistan and Pakistan are dangerous and war torn, and there are bombings and the Taliban are everywhere, it’s very unsafe for Mariam. 


What Zafoona always wanted to be, but couldn’t due to their circumstances.

What is a teacher? 


Fadi felt completely loved and accepted by all at this point in the story

When is 


The effect the Taliban is having on the mood and decisions Fadi's family is making

What is anxiety and tension, rushed decisions and ___?


How does the fight that Fadi had with Felix and Ike and then his reaction to not winning the photo contest reveal what's going on in Fadi's head?  

What is showing that letting go of Mariam’s hand hurt him a lot more than he was letting on. Fadi was just waiting for a reason to let his anger out and show that he is not damaged but repaired in a weird way. 


How can Fadi bring Mariam home?

What is the photo competition at school gives winners plane tickets to India, where Fadi can cross to the Pakistan border and bring Mariam home


Fadi’s favorite class, it allows him to open up and feel hopeful about finally finding Mariam.

What is art class?