A great way to find lower prices at local grocery stores
What are grocery store ads?
When grocery shopping, what types of meals should be limited?
Frozen or prepared meals
What can you combine with prepared foods to add nutritional value?
Fresh vegetables, fruits, or grains.
a healthy side that pairs well with pizza.
Salad with a variety of raw vegetables.
Is success "All or nothing"?
No, even small accomplishments lead to success.
A way to create new dishes by following instructions and listed ingredients
Following/finding recipes
A way to look at nutritional content of food items such as calories, fat, sodium, carbohydrates, and sugar content.
Look at food labels/nutrition facts.
How to reduce food waste?
Use leftovers.
What can be added to canned soup?
Add extra vegetables.
Examples of non food rewards.
Spend time outdoors, exercise, spa day, massage, read a book, movie night, buy clothes, hang out with friends.
What can you do in order to know what groceries to purchase for the week?
Plan meals and snacks
How to avoid overspending and over-purchasing
Stick to your list
What appliances can you use to limit your time in the kitchen?
Slow cooker, instant pot, or air fryer.
What can be added to boxed macaroni and cheese?
Vegetables (steamed broccoli and green onion pair well)
How to sustain new routines.
Simplify them, make routines easy to follow
What can you do to ensure you are not purchasing grocery items you already have on hand?
Check your kitchen and make a list. (Check Refrigerator, freezer, pantry)
Alternative options, rather than private brand items, that can help save money.
Look for store-brands and generic items
What can be done to produce in advance to reduce prep time in the kitchen?
Cut up vegetables and fruit in advance (or use frozen, if fresh is not available).
What is better than processed items?
Whole foods (ex. potatoes over tots)
How to determine what's working for you?
Track your progress.
A tip so that you don't buy unnecessary groceries out of hunger?
Eat a healthy snack before shopping.
If not fresh produce, what is the next best option?
Frozen produce options
A big way to cut down time in the kitchen.
Cook large batches (you can freeze some for later)
How to introduce a variety of nutrients to your diet.
Eat a variety of colors.