Grammar rules
Phrasal verbs
Guess the word
Answer the questions
Synonym/ antonym

Он самый умный мальчик в классе 

He is the smartest boy in the class 


Spend_ - тратить на что-то 

Spend on


a specified article or sum of money has been received as an exchange for goods or services. It serves as a record of the transaction and typically includes details such as the date, the items purchased, the amount paid, and the method of payment.

The receipt 


What are some popular online shopping websites?

Gold Apple, WB, Ozon, Mega Market, 


What is the synonym to “shopping”?

Purchasing/Shopping spree/Buying 


Она всегда занимает у меня деньги!😡😡

She is always borrowing money from me!


Cut down_ - сокращать расходы на что-то

cut down on


A reduction in the price of an item or service, typically offered as an incentive to attract customers or increase sales.



What are some of the latest shopping trends?

1. Short jackets

2. Long skirts

3. Long-sleeved shorts

4. Palazzo trousers


What is the antonym of “borrow from”?

Lend to


-Я встречаюсь (вижусь) сегодня с другом сегодня, поэтому не могу помочь тебе  

- Я понимаю, это не проблема 

- I am seeing with my friend today so I can’t help you 

- I see, it’s not problem 


Look_ - искать 

Look for 


To have the financial means or resources to purchase or pay for something, typically without causing financial strain or difficulty.

To afford


What are some common mistakes to avoid when shopping for clothes?

1. Do not buy the good at once, but check his quality and try on it 

2. Do not throw the receipt in the bin 

3. Do not buy the clothes that don’t suit and match your other clothes and shoes 


Synonym of “daily routine”

Boring chore


Я всегда люблю смотреть на океаны, горы и разные виды. Кстати говоря, ты знаешь что Атлантический океан- один из самых больших океанов в мире ?

I always like to look at the oceans, the mountains and different views. By the way, do you know that the Atlantic Ocean is one of the biggest ones in the world?

Invest _  - инвестировать

Invest into


The act of browsing or looking at items in store windows or online without the intention of making a purchase, often done for enjoyment or to gather ideas.

Window shopping 


What are some tips for saving money while shopping?

1. To do shopping list

2. Not to go to the shops on empty stomach 

3. Not to give in to impulsive purchases

4. Allocate a certain budget for purchases

5. To do shopping for seasonal discounts or Black Friday online 


Antonym of “empty”



Я постоянно размышляю о будущем. Я знаю что это кажется странным но я с нетерпением жду субботней встречи потому что я планирую обсудить космос и планеты. Я действительно заинтересована в них потому что они захватывающие 

I am constantly thinking about my future. I know that it looks strange but I now I am looking forward to Saturday meeting because there I plan to discuss the space and planets. I am really interested in them because they are exciting.


Pay_ credit card and pay _ cash

Pay by credit card and pay in  cash


agreement in which the buyer and seller agree on a price that is lower than the original or expected price, often resulting in a good deal for the buyer



How can I stay safe when shopping online?

1.Carefully read the reviews about the product and the seller

2.Don't click on strange links

3.Pay for the goods upon receipt of the item

4.Not to be hooked by hackers

5. Be sure with your order and transportation 


Synonym of “waste on”

Save/ put aside