Who is Zoe named after (Zoe 101, Katy Perry, Rabbi Joe)
Zoe 101
What is the name of the town Camp is in?
Name one (1) city in Israel.
What Jewish Holiday happens every Friday night through Saturday night?
How many legs does a spider have
What counselor can say the alphabet backwards?
What are the four colors at the camp’s color war (Maccabiah)?
Yellow, Red, Green, Blue
What are the colors of the Israeli flag?
Blue and white
On which Holidays do we light a Hanukkiah/Menorah?
What do caterpillars turn into
What staff member duo went second session
(Finley, Josh) (Jed, Zoe) (Carina, Austin)
Carina and Austin
On the last Shabbat of the session, all of camp dresses up as one color. What is that color?
What language do Israelis speak?
Which holiday includes miriam?
Who was the 2nd president of the United States
John Adams
What state does Finley live in (New Mexico, New York, California, New Jersey)
New Mexico
What is the name of our Rosh?
Nicole Goldberg
How many people live in Israel? (5,000; 100,000; 7 million, 9 million)
9 million
Rosh HaShanah celebrates the Jewish New Year. What two sweet foods do we have on the holiday?
Apples and Honey
How many olympic rings are there
What TV show did Josh West star in (Mickey Mouse, Paw Patrol, the Kardashians, Spongebob)
Paw Patrol
What is the name of the oldest edah (age group)?
Which one of these countries borders Israel? (Greece, France, China, Jordan)
Which fast day is commemorated during 2nd Session? (Yom Kippur or Tisha B’Av)
Tisha B'Av
Who is the queen B?