who is john
her husband
Which of Granny's children is at her bedside at the beginning?
What might the narrator want from Dee?
the narrator wants her daughter to appreciate her
describe the house
quite, alone, remote, which is bad for her condition
who is the author of this story?
Katherine Anne Porter
how does john treat her, and significance
treats her like she is stupid, he does not respect her, but she does not question it because of the role of women in society
What event does Granny recall with anger?
The day that George jilted her.
What happened to Maggie in the past that makes her so self conscious?
A fire that Mama rescued her from years in the past that left her very visibly scared
who is mary
the nanny
what is the setting of the story?
in the sick room of 80 year old Granny Weatherall at Cornelia's house
describe the wallpaper
who ever put it up did not do it properly, repellent, revolting, unclean, fading, commits every artistic sin, ripped off in places
what are Granny's parting words to Doctor Harry after her first visit?
I pay my own bills and I don't want to throw my money away on nonsense
Why do you think Mama has fought off the temptation to shake Dee?
Mama resents the way she and Maggie have been treated by Dee
what is her goal
to figure out the pattern
what aspects of Cornelia's character can be understood from Granny's thoughts about her?
she is caring, dutiful, tactful, kind, and she keeps secrets in a public way
what does the wall paper represent
the control she wants, she is not crazy, there is not a pattern which drives her crazy
How is the seemingly random order in which past events come into Granny's mind related to happenings in the sickroom?
Actual happenings in the sick room blend into actions in the past.
How has Mama's life experience differed from Dee's?
Mama is uneducated and has always lived in a rural area, she grew up when blacks had few rights experiencing it firsthand ;
Dee is from civil rights era and is educated in the city do to Mama's effort to give her opportunity she desired, however while well educated has not experienced what Mama has
what does she have at first
a "nervous comdition" now called post pardom psychosis, not extreme at first but grows as the story goes on, it is when you are depressed after the birth of your child
what metaphor does Katherine Porter use to describe "the plan of life"?
making up a bed
how does the story end at the very end
she locked herself in, john breaks down the door, he sees what she has done to the room and faints and continues to do what she wants / walks over his body
Tell in detail the story of the jilting mentioned in the tittle. How long ago did it happen?
60 years ago, on a beautiful day Granny was dressed in her bride dress, everything was ready but no groom ever came.
Why do you think Alice Walker titled this story "Everyday Use"?
The story is centered around the conflict of Dee wanting special items from Mama's house only to put them on display and never use them. She disagrees with Mama and Maggie about the quilts specifically-putting them to everyday use is ridiculous to her because they're part of the past and not meant for practical handling anymore. So the title stems from that-it comes from the idea that things that are special or passed down from generations should be put to everyday use to keep the past alive.
what treatments does the doctor recommend, and how does this work
to not involve herself in a lot of things, to not read or write, physical and psychological rest.. she ignores it
Granny Weatherall's marriage to John was evidently--
emotionally and materially successful