Plot Development
Point of View
Figurative Language
Name one type of external conflict
man vs. man man vs. society man vs. nature
How do you determine if a character is a dynamic character?
You notice if the character's personality changes by the end of the story
To determine the point of view, we should primarily look at what in the short story
The narration The pronouns used in the narration
What is a symbol?
What is a concrete object that represents an emotion, idea or other abstract concept
What is foreshadowing
What is the clues the author gives to help the reader predict how the conflict will end or how a character will behave
Give an example of an internal conflict
any struggle that takes place in one's head or heart; a personal dilemma
Determining indirect characterization requires the reader to make an __________________
What is one disadvantage of having a first-person narrator
The first person narrator could be biased or unreliable so that it's difficult to trust the information Using a first person narrator could make it difficult to understand other characters; too focused
Come up with your own simile
answers will vary
What is the difference between mood and tone?
Mood is reader based and tone is author based
How is the climax significant to character development?
Usually during the emotional height of the story, the character is solving or about to solve the conflict, revealing his/her static or dynamic personality
Determining indirect characterization is often remembered by the acronym STEAL. What does the S stand for?
What is what a character SAYS
This type of narrator is outside of the story and focuses on the thoughts, feelings and actions of one particular character
What is third-person limited
What is the connection between imagery and mood?
What is imagery and the author's word choice in describing those images helps demonstrate the mood of the story. You use the images to help make inferences about the mood.
What is one way an author can create mood?
What is through the description of the setting and his/her word choice
Provide two things that are often established in the exposition
What is the mood, the setting and/or the characters' personalities
Determining indirect characterization is often remembered by the acronym STEAL. What does the T stand for?
What is what a character THINKS
What does omniscient mean?
What is all-knowing; god-like
What is connotation
What is the emotional connection/meaning of a word
What does it mean to determine the theme of a short story?
It means to determine the point or main idea of the story, the universal idea that the author would like you to know about human nature and life
What must happen before the rising action can occur?
The conflict
Determining indirect characterization is often remembered by the acronym STEAL. What does the A stand for?
What is how a character ACTS
Name 1 question you should ask when determining point of view:
Who is telling the story? Whose story is being told? Is the narrator inside or outside of the story?
Name two ways you determine what a symbol represents
Look at the physical description of the object Look at who uses the object and when they use it Look at how the object changes over the story and then connect all of that to the idea the symbol represents
To determine tone, what must you first identify?
What is the subject the author will take an attitude towards