Literary Elements
Death By Scrabble
Black Cat
Just Lather
What is a climax?
The major event in the story where the main character has to make a decision.
What is the setting of this story?
In a house on a hot, summer day.
What is the atmosphere in this story?
Dark and scary. Filled with violence and death.
Why is Pete's granddad being sent to a nursing home?
Pete's father is getting married and his fiance does not want an old man causing trouble.
What is the setting of this story?
Colombia, barber shop, civil war.
What is suspense?
A build up of events to create uncertainty or anxiety for the reader.
What is the ironic part of this story?
The husband wants to kill his wife but she ends up killing him.
What is one symbol in the story?
Black cat with the white noose represents the narrator's guilt.
What lesson do you think Petey's father learns?
He should take care of his family.
What is the conflict in this story?
Military vs. rebels Barber vs. Torres Barber vs. self
What is theme?
The meaning, lesson or the teaching of the story.
What is the climax of this story?
When the husband discovers that the words in the game of scrabble are actually happening.
What is the climax of this story?
He makes the decision to kill his wife.
What is the climax in this story?
When Petey cuts the blanket in half and the father realizes that he does not want to be sent away when he gets older.
What is one symbol in this story?
The razor: It has two sides. One can represent good and the other evil. This could be the choice that the barber has to make.
Third Person Narrator
A narrator who know everything that needs to be known about the character and events and is free to move about in time and space.
What is the major conflict in the story?
The husband hates his wife.
What is a theme in this story?
1. Alcoholism leads to terrible ends. 2. Horror can exist within humans. We have to learn to control it.
What happens at the end of this story?
The father, son, and grandfather hug and eventually stay together.
What is the theme of this story?
One should listen to their conscience because revenge is never the answer.
Atmosphere or mood
The overall feeling created in the story.
What is the theme in this story?
1. Don't underestimate your opponents. 2. What goes around comes around. (karma)
How do the police discover the narrator's wife's body?
The cat is closed up in the room and starts to cry.
What does the blanket in the story symbolize?
The father's guilt for sending Petey's grandfather away.
Give an example of irony in this story.
The barber believes Torres doesn't know that he is a spy for the rebels. At the end of the story, the reader realizes that Torres has known all along.