I am the first S in SITS
(rotator cuff muscle)
Your collar bone is called:
elbow flexion is controlled by:
the "shoulder pad" muscle is called:
True or False: you should use heat for an acute injury
I am the "I" in SITS
(rotator cuff muscle)
The most superior part of the sternum is called:
moving my arm forward/anteriorly is what ROM at the shoulder?
This most superficial muscle of the back resembles a triangle
the shoulder is what kind of joint
ball in socket
Rotator cuff muscle underneath the scapula
the horizontal boney prominence on the back of the scapula is called:
spine of scapula
Moving toward the midline of the body in the transverse plane
Horizontal adduction
your surface level chest muscles are called (full name not nickname)
pectoralis major
your "funny bone" is actually your:
ulnar nerve
Which teres is in the rotator cuff?
teres minor
the clavicle and the acromion form what?
AC joint
We have two sets of internal and external rotation at the shoulder what are their degrees?
0 deg and 90 deg
the large lower back muscle that some people call "wings" is called?(full name)
latissimus dorsi
what would the antagonist muscle of the biceps muscle be during a biceps curl?
name all 4 rotator cuff muscles
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis
the "socket" where the humerus attaches to the scapula is called:
glenoid cavity
Name all the ROM of the shoulder
(8-10) Flexion, Extension, Abduction, adduction, horizonatal abd/add, int/ext rotation
the smaller muscles deep to the trapezius muscle are called:
List the nerve roots that we talked about last week:
C5, C6, C7, C8, T1