How we travel in the hall
What is line basics?
Zone 1
What is the voice level when waiting for the bus and on the bus?
What is the tray you choose?
Asking others to play, talking to kids who are sitting by themselves
What is including others?
Thank you, please, you're welcome, excuse me
What is use manners?
Legs are criss-crossed, hands in your lap, zone 0, face the speaker, keep your hands to yourself
What is body basics on the floor?
What is the direction we face?
What is the voice level during lunch?
What is dressing appropriately for the weather?
Cougar Cash
What is the reward for individual excellent behavior?
What is cell phone?
Zone 0
What is the voice level for the bathroom?
Zone 0
What is the voice level when the lights go off?
Sliding down the slides, swinging only forward and backward, walking across the bridge, and using only hands on the monkey bars
What is using the equipment appropriately?
Class Cougar Cash
What is the reward a whole class receives for excellent choices?
What is Keep All Hands, Feet, and Other Objects To Yourself?
Bathroom breaks, not specials
What is the best time to use the bathroom?
Your area
What is your responsibility to should keep clean (not the custodians' job!)?
What is being kind to nature?
Cougar Menu
What is the list of fun activities for your Cougar Cash?
What are Practice Safety, Accept Responsibility, Make Wise Choices, and Show Respect?
The number of paper towels and squirts of soap
What is Think 2?
Your own food
What is the ONLY food you should eat?
The woodchips, blacktop, little playground for kindergarten and 1st, NOT the field
What are the approved areas for play?
What is the Cougar Cart?