Showing Patience1
Was he/she patient?
Showing Patience2

What is patience? 

I am waiting with a calm body


When I am showing patience.  How am I feeling? 



When I am showing patience, how does it make other people feel?



How can you show patience when you are waiting? 

I can do something else while I wait


Having Patience is kinda like? 

1. Waiting my turn.

2. Taking Turns.

3. Sharing 


James is waiting quietly while his teacher is speaking.  Is James being patient? 

Yes, James is showing patience by waiting quietly while his teacher is talking. 


When I am showing patience, I should not? 

Get mad, sad, or upset.


John wanted to be the first person to get water and when lining up from the gym, he broke in front of Sam who was the line leader. Was John being patient?

No, John was being impatient because he broke in front of Sam


When I am getting angry for not wanting to wait, that means? 

I am not showing Patience


Sometimes showing patience is worth the?

Worth the wait


Saying, "I really want to go to the movies, but I can wait to Friday" is an example of? 



Asking,"Why won't you pick me?" is an example of being? 



Michael studied his history notes last night and today during the classroom discussion, he really wanted to respond to his teacher's question so Michael raised his hand and kept waving it back and forth very fast, and jumping up and down in his seat.  How was Michael being impatient? 

1. Waving his hand back and forth

2. Jumping up and down in his seat


James really wanted to eat his stuffed crust pizza however his mother told him that it was extremely hot and to be patient while it cools down.  James did not say anything at all and kept blowing his pizza and began to eat it after he blew 10 times.  Did James show patience? If so, how?


James didn't say anything and blew his pizza until it cooled down. 


When you show patience, you are also using? 



Instead of, "Why won't you pick me?" What can you say to show patience? 

1. It's not my turn yet, however I can wait.

2. I know I can't always be picked first, I will have to wait my turn.

3. Maybe I'll be picked the next time. 


Henry really wants to watch the new season of Stranger Things however he has wait until July before it comes on tv and it is now only April.  To help him wait, Henry decided to watch all episodes again from the first two seasons. How did Henry show patience? 

He did something else while he waited.  He watched the old episodes while he waited for the new season. 


Today is Friday and Francisco really wanted to buy the new Super Mario Kart game which was $40 at GameStop.  Francisco only had $20 and he needed another $20 to buy the game.  Francisco really really wanted to buy the Super Mario Kart game, but only had enough money to buy the Pacman game. Francisco remembered that he would be getting another $20 next Friday.  How can Francisco show patience? 

Save his $20 and wait until next Friday to receive another $20 so that he can purchase Super Mario Kart


Timothy really wanted a scoop of Ice Cream however his mother told him that he would have to wait until after dinner however dinner wasn't until 7:00pm and it was only 5:00pm.  Timothy studied his spelling words and played Roblox until it was dinner time. Did Timothy show patience? If so, how?


1. He studied his spelling words.

2. He played Roblox


Ashley really wanted a cupcake and her mother told her that if she could wait until Thursday, she would get her two cupcakes instead of one.  It was only Monday which meant Ashley had to wait 3 more days until Thursday. Ashley became sad, but then remembered that she would get two cupcakes instead of 1 and told herself that she will be okay and stated that she can wait until Thursday.  Did Ashley show patience? If so, how? 


She used self control and told herself that she can wait until Thursday


Samantha received $25 dollars from getting straight A's on her report and she really wanted to spend the money on a new pink bike ! However she  needed another $25 to buy the pink bike.  How can she show patience? 

She can save her money and wait until she receives another $25


Randy was super excited about going to Six Flags with his family however he was not prepared to wait 2 hours before arriving to San Antonio.  How can Randy show patience? 

He can do something else while he wait, like listen to music or sleep to pass the time. 


Today is Friday and it was Fun Friday for Matthew's class and the entire class was super super excited because their teacher was going to let them play Fortnite on the iPads.  Matthew kept asking his teacher, what times does Fun Friday starts, his teacher kept reminding Matthew to be patient however he could not focus on his work due to him thinking about playing Fortnite with his classmates.  How should Matthew show patience? 

Take his mind off of Fun Friday and Fortnite and do something else like paying attention to his work.  


Alvi was getting very impatient because he was the first one to finish the writing assignment and Mrs. Tremont told the class that everyone would get Pizza after everyone finishes the assignment.  Instead of being patient, Alvi kept raising his hand and asking if it was time for pizza.  His teacher replied, "Not yet, a few people are still writing." How can Alvi show patience until his classmates are finish with their writing?   

Alvi can do something else like read a book or draw. 

Today during PE, Coach let everyone take turns sliding on his new water slide.  Jamie was the 8th person in line and was growing very impatient because she was ready for her turn and felt like she should be 1st however Coach reminded her to be patient.  Jamie got mad, cried, and ran out of line. What should Jamie do instead while she wait?

Jamie should use self control and do something else while she waits like watch the others slide down the slide or talk to her neighbor