What is the name of the dance tv show Janell watchs?
DANCE MOMS!!!!!!!!!
What is a movie Janell and George watched toghter?
Incredibals 2
What is a fighting disney movie we have watched?
Decendants ( 1, 2, 3)
What is a nick show on netflix?
Beast morphers
What is a Disney show we ALL love?
Ravens home
What is the name of the Tv show George watchs?
BlaydeBlade burst
What is a Movie richard watched on his own?
Secreat life of pets 2
What is The disney show we all watched at night one day?
Finding Nemo
What is a swag but funny Nick show we all love?
Young dylan perry
What is that wacky but catchy show we like?
Would you wather
What is the name of the Short netflix tv series we like?
Familly reunioun
What is a movie Janell watched but hasn't finished?
Tall girl
What is the newest Disney movie?
Upside down magic
What is the old but funny show we used to watch?
What is the show that collabed with Ravens home?