Shradha's Childhood
Know your Rhyme!
AKA I'm Pregnant
Ramesh's Childhood
The love for this fruit prompted little Shradha to charmingly say to guests at her home: "Are you going to eat your '---'? If not, I love '---'!"
What is a Mango?
Ba Ba Black Sheep had this many bags of wool
What is three bags full?
I'm Anticipating...
What is "Expecting"?
This Mira wrote poetry including these words: (Translated) "After making me fall for you so hard, where are you going? Until the day I see you, no repose: my life, like a fish washed on shore, flails in agony."
Who is Mirabai ?
Ramesh played this role in the Preserver-Destroyer wars between Ramesh and Mahesh.
Who is Vishnu?
This plaything of Rachita's was believed to have been swallowed by baby S and required a rush to the hospital...until it was discovered in her clenched fist!
What is a marble?
The color of my basket in "A-Tisket A-Tasket"
What is Yellow?
I have a baked roll in this warm enclosure for cooking and heating food.
What is A Bun in the Oven?
The name Mira has meaning in several languages including Latin languages (where it means Wonderful ), Salvic Languages (Peace), Sanskrit(ocean or prosperity) and in this fourth language it means "Peace"
What is Hebrew?
This Bollywood composer's album's title song looped constantly on Ramesh's study playlist.
What is "Breathless" by Shankar Mahadevan?
This popular 80s Mithun song was sung and performed by little S at home often (with much poetic license)
What is "I'm a disco dancer"?
Mary Mary Quite Contrary had these all lined up in a row.
What are Pretty Maids?
I'm black and blue.
What is Knocked Up?
This American actress won an Academy award for a Woody Allen film (Mighty Aphrodite).
Who is Mira Sorvino?
Ramesh's first leading role was in this school production that was a remake of an Arabian Tale.
What is Alibaba and Bablu the Bear?
This song was recorded by Shradha in her own voice for Ramesh on a cassette before he went off to college!
What is Annie's Song?
In this song of six pence this many blackbirds were baked in a pie.
What is Four and Twenty?
A tall long legged wading bird has dropped in.
What is A Stork has visited?
The brightest star in the constellation Cetus.
What is Mira the Wonderful?
This (currently non PC) word announcing the arrival of this person is what Ramesh would scream to scare baby Mahesh!(Hint: the rights of this group are currently the subject of several shows, movies and documentaries)
What is "Hijra"?
An accident on this caused a huge gash and required 8 stitches.
What is a SWING?
When Georgie Porgie did this it made girls cry!
What happened when Georgie Porgie 'Kissed the girls'?
Descendants of a common ancestor are together on this path.
What is "Family Way"?
The young and pretty wife of Shahid Kapoor!
Who is Mira Rajput ?
In an ode(written in high school) to unrequited love, Ramesh is a mariner at the helm of a ship, fighting through waves rising high above. And why not, for her laughter was like ----- bells, like a ----- spring on dry, parched earth.
What is tingling and gurgling?