People Knowledge
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You are offering Susan a job based upon the successful outcome of a thorough background check. This is what kind of offer?

Contingent (or conditional)


This type of HR structural model divides the workload of HR administrative and operational duties so the HR can concentrate on strategy.

Shared services model


A customer in Germany delegating work to an extended development service provider in Poland or elsewhere in Europe is an example of.



Herzberg's 2-factor theory involves job enrichment, redesigning jobs so that they're more challenging to the employee. What are the two factors in Herzberg's theory?

Motivation and hygiene


Principled bargaining and distributive bargaining are examples of what?

Negotiation tactics


A performance appraisal method where the manager and employee work together to create goals and employees are evaluated on whether the goals are completed successfully is called this.

Management by Objectives (MBO)


The number of days between publishing a job opening and and hiring the candidate is known as this metric.

Time to fill


Brad, the HR director, hires a consultant every three years to examine his company's HR processes, files and practices. What is this called?

Compliance audit


An important ethical practice for HR professionals is to maintain this for all employees.

Confidentiality or privacy


Leann is working with her team to solve a problem. She calls everyone in to a meeting so she can listen to everyone's concerns. She allows everyone's views to be heard and to offer solutions so that they can come up with the best solution that works for everyone. Leann is engaging in what strategy for conflict resolution?



The first step in learning and development program design is:

Needs analysis


This kind of disciplinary action gives the employee expectations for improvement, consequences for not improving, and periodic check-ins with the manager over a period of time.

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)


Regarding sustainability of corporations, social factors, environmental factors, and economic factors are known as this, a/k/a full cost accounting.

The triple bottom line


Global festivities, caregiver options, workplace flexibility policies  and workplace accommodations are all activities that support this.



Self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and relationship skills are key skills of what?

Emotional intelligence


Ensuring that a process falls within the acceptable tolerance range is one level in this project management approach.

Six Sigma


A talent strategy often called the 4Bs stands for this.

Build, buy, borrow or bridge


Rebekah is conducting a formal evaluation of a company’s procedures and endeavors with regards to corporate social responsibility and societal impact. What is this called?

A social audit


Helen tries to communicate with new hires in a way that is clear and free from this kind of language.

Technical jargon


Collectivism vs. individualism, power distance, and restraint vs. indulgence are three elements of this cultural model.

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions


The CEO of your company is searching for a performance program that clearly indicates to employees that their performance will impact their rewards. What kind of compensation program is this?

Line of sight compensation program


Systems and Style are two elements of this model to analyze the effectiveness of an organization.

McKinsey 7S


Brenda has 18 employees and offers health insurance to them. When she has to terminate John, how much time does she have before she has to offer continuation of coverage through COBRA?

N/A - COBRA covers employers with 20 or more employees.


This analysis of a company is done during the environmental scanning portion of strategic planning for a company.

A SWOT analysis

When change is necessary, organizations often follow Lewin's change management model, which is these steps.

Unfreeze, change, refreeze