Is est puer molestus.
Raeda adhuc est in fossa.
The cart is still in the ditch.
Case used with verbs like credo, adimo, and appropinquo
Estne libri 'Ecce Romani' boni?
Ita Vero
What was a Commissatio?
Roman drinking party
Cornelia eam valde desiderat.
Cives, mercatores, servi per portam ibant atque huc illuc currebant.
Citizens, merchants, (and) slaves were going through the gate and were running this way and that.
Tense formed with the 4th principal part of the verb and the imperfect of sum
Pluperfect Passive
Ubi habitabant Cornelii aestate?
(Habitant) Baiae.
Who was Cincinnatus?
Roman hero who gave up dictator power to work his farm.
Is semper nimis vini bibit.
Hi miseri flammis opprimentur.
These poor people will be crushed/overwhelmed by flames.
4th Principal Part of the Verb
Perfect Passive Participle (PPP)
Quantos denarios lanio pendet Pseudolus?
(Pendet) Octo denarios.
What battle marked the end of the Roman republic in 31 BCE?
Aurelia irata ad villam rusticam eum misit.
Iam media nox erat neque Eucleides domum redierat.
Now/Already it was midnight and Eucleides hadn't returned home.
Phrase introduced by ut (or ne) with a subjunctive verb
Purpose Clause OR Result Clause
Cur Sextus nolebat ire ad ludum?
Quod grammaticus Palaemon non placuit.
What is the modern equivalent of the Roman date ante diem IV Ides Julias?
July 12th
Cornelii in taberna eius pernoctaverunt.
Eucleides ingressus pueros rogavit cur tam tristes essent.
Eucleides, having entered, asked the boys why they were so sad.
Participle/Noun Pair in the Ablative Case
Ablative Absolute
Cur ancillae Aureliam timent?
Quod Aurelia est semper sollicita et eas verberat.
Give the 4 LATIN names of the racing teams/companies for which chariots would compete.
Russati, Albati, Prasini, Veneti