O Brother Where Art Thou?
Conservative Minds
Early Virginia History
Wes Anderson films
80s & 90s Christian Music

The film O Brother Where Art Thou is loosely based on this ancient epic.

What is Homer's The Odyssey ?


Before he warned of the effects of revolution on France’s traditions, he spoke against the damage done to India’s traditions by the East India Company.

Who is Edmund Burke ?


Werowocomoco was the capital of this confederacy.

What is the Powhatan Confederacy ?


Eli Cash’s book in The Royal Tennenbaums is an alt-historical novel centered around this American general.

Who is George Custer (General Custer) ?  


The song “Flood” by this band could often be heard on alternative rock radio stations in 1996.

Who is Jars of Clay ?


The film’s version of Pappy O’Daniel is governor of Mississippi.  The real Pappy O’Daniel was governor of this state.

What is Texas ?


An eccentric and sickly Virginia aristocrat, in Congress he was the leader of the “Old Republicans”, supporting an agrarian ideal and strict limits on the power of the federal government, while opposing embargoes, war, and territorial expansion.

Who is John Randolph of Roanoke ?


An old English ballad tells the tale of a criminal transported to Virginia, but some later versions of the song have this as his destination instead.

What is Australia ?


In The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, Pelé dos Santos (played by Seu Jorge) plays Portuguese translations of this musician’s songs.

Who is David Bowie ?


Her 1988 song “Lead Me On” asks why “Man hurts man, time and time, time again.”

Who is Amy Grant ?


Ulysseus Everett McGill refers to himself by this term used in ancient Rome for the head of a household.

What is the "paterfamilias" ?


This author of The Conservative Mind found inspiration in Burke’s phrase “moral imagination.”  He also used his own imagination to write ghost stories.

Who is Russell Kirk ?


Pennsylvania Germans settled into this region of Virginia starting in the early 18th century.

What is the Shenandoah Valley ?


Rushmore includes Donovan’s song “Jersey Thursday.”  In The Royal Tennenbaums,  Margo and Ritchie listen to this other day-of-the-week song in the yellow tent.

What is "Ruby Tuesday" ?


Steve Taylor’s short rock opera “Cash Cow” describes the golden calf as having a face like this TV preacher.

Who is Robert Tilton ?


“Ku Klux Klan” is etymologically related to the word for this mythical one-eyed giant.  Both are combined in the person of Big Dan, played by John Goodman.

What is the cyclops ?


This philosopher of history described various modern political ideologies as attempts to “immanentize the eschaton” (that is, to force a perfected heaven on earth into existence).

Who is Eric Voegelin ?


In 1675, this man led a rebellion of a few hundred Virginians both white and black.  He believed the governor was not aggressive enough against American Indians on the colony’s frontiers.

Who is Nathaniel Bacon ?


This 20th century British composer is noted for his works for children, which feature prominently in the film Moonrise Kingdom.

Who is Benjamin Britten ?


This Pennsylvania indie pop band are inspired by their Catholic spirituality. Their 1995 song “Bright as Yellow” was included on the Empire Records soundtrack.

Who is The Innocence Mission ?


The song “Po’ Lazarus” which opens the film is actually taken from a 1959 recording this musicologist made of prisoners singing while working.

Who is Alan Lomax ?

(other acceptable answer: Shirley Collins )


This mid-20th century British political theorist criticized “rationalism in politics” and its tendency toward technocratic homogeneity.

Who is Michael Oakeshott ?


In 1619, enslaved Africans arrived at Old Point Comfort. Nearby, 242 years later, black Americans fleeing slavery were granted freedom as “contraband of war” by Gen. Butler at this fort.

What is Fort Monroe ?


In Rushmore, when Max Fischer offers Edward Appleby one of his school award pins to wear, he takes this one.

What is Punctuality ?


This songwriter who died in 1992 has had 3 tribute albums, each titled after one of his songs: “Strong Hand of Love”, “Orphans of God” and “Treasure of the Broken Land”

Who is Mark Heard ?