the green organelle that is only present in plant cells, and converts sunlight to carbohydrates
what are chloroplasts?
The two appendages made of microtubules that can propel eukaryotic cells forward.
what are cilia and flagella
the protein structure in which alpha helices and beta pleated sheets form
what is the secondary structure?
the isomer in which compounds are "mirror images" of each other
what are enantiomers?
the material that plant cell walls are made of
what is cellulose?
The organelle that houses the DNA, and is generally located in the center of eukaryotic cells
what is the nucleus?
The name of proteins embedded in the cell membrane
what are integrins?
The difference between saturated and unsaturated fats
unsaturated fats have at least one double bond, while saturated fats have no double bonds
the long carbon chain that many compounds branch off of
what is the carbon backbone?
The junctions in plant cell walls that allow plant tissues to share water, nourishment, and chemical messages
what are plasmodesmata
the ancient process in which a prokaryotic cell engulfed a mitochondial cell
what is endosymbiosis?
The arrangement of microtubules
what is a 9 by 2 arrangement?
The name of the process in which a protein unravels and loses its original shape
what is denaturation?
The isomers that are completely rearranged in structure, while still having the same number of bonds and elements.
What are structural isomers?
the microscope best for seeing the cell's interior, as electrons pass through the thin specimen
what is the transmission electron microscope?
the organelles involved in the endomembrane system
what are the Golgi apparatus, the endoplasmic reticulum, and lysosomes?
the purpose of the extracellular matrix
what is binding and supporting of cells
the order of nucleic acids where the genetic information is passed to become a protein
what is the DNA---> RNA ----> protein
the chemical group composed of a carbon double bonded to an oxygen
what is the carbonyl group?
the 4 qualities that all cells have in common
what are ribosomes, cytosol, plasma membrane, and DNA?
the purpose of the large cental vacuole in eukaryotic cells
stores molecules and wastes, and facilitates growth
the reason that plants have cell walls, but animals do not
what is the fact that animals have an endoskeleton to support them and keep them upright, while plants don't
the macromolecule that is hydrophobic
What are lipids?
polar molecules that are attracted to water molecules
what are hydrophilic molecules?
the outer structure of a cell that consists of a phospholipid bilayer and embedded proteins
what is the plasma membrane