Careers in Surgery
Surgical Procedures
Surgical Instruments
Surgical Specialties
Surgery in TV

A doctor in charge of performing the surgery

What is a surgeon?

A modern surgeon is also a licensed physician or received the same medical training as physicians before specializing in surgery.


A procedure used to deliver a baby through surgical incisions made in the abdomen and uterus

What is a Caesarean section/c-section?

C-sections may be planned or may be necessary as a result of complications during pregnancy and/or labor. About 32 percent of babies born in the US are born through C section. OB-GYNs typically perform C-sections.


A bladed surgical instrument used to make cuts into the body

What is a scalpel?

Scalpel blades come in different sizes, identified by a blade number, and each serving a different purpose. They are extremely sharp and usually consist of a reusable, sterile handle and a blade that needs to be replaced after each use.

A surgical specialty involving procedures on the brain and nervous system

What is neurosurgery?

Neurosurgery is considered one of the most challenging fields, as the risks involved are much higher than general surgery. We often think of neurosurgery as brain procedures, but neurosurgeons also perform surgeries on the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.


A medical drama series set in Seattle at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital

What is Grey's Anatomy?


A doctor who administers substance(s) that induces insensitivity to pain prior to the surgery 

What is an anesthesiologist?

Anesthesiologists help ensure the safety of patients undergoing surgery. The anesthesiologist provides care for the patient to prevent pain and distress they would otherwise experience. This may involve general anesthesia or sedation. They can also provide pain relief post-surgery. 


A surgical procedure in which an organ/s is removed from one person (the donor) and surgically moved into another person (the recipient)

What is an organ transplant?

Organ transplants are performed when the recipient has a damaged or missing organ, and organs can only be transplanted once. Kidneys are the most frequently transplanted organ. Transplant surgeons typically perform organ transplants.


An instrument used for cutting that consists of two blades

What are scissors/surgical scissors?

Surgical scissors are scissors specially manufactured as surgical instruments, typically used for cutting sutures, dressings, and cutting and dissecting biological tissue. Surgical scissors are usually made of surgical steel.


A surgical specialty involving the restoration or alteration of the human body (can be reconstructive or cosmetic)

What is plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery restores and improves function, as well as appearance. It is one of the most competitive surgical specialties. 


A TV series about a young surgeon named Shaun Murphy 

What is The Good Doctor?


A doctor-in-training who has completed medical school and is seeking to specialize in surgery

What is a surgical resident?

It is common for surgical residents to be present in the operating room or even be the operating surgeon, especially in teaching hospitals.


A surgical procedure where healthy skin is removed from an unaffected area of the body and used to cover lost or damaged skin

What is a skin graft?

Skin grafts can be used for bone fractures that break the skin (open fractures), large wounds, or where an area of the skin is surgically removed – for example, due to cancer or burns. Dermatologists typically perform skin grafts. 


An instrument used to hold objects, tissues, or blood vessels in place during surgeries

What are forceps/clamps?

Forceps are grasping instruments used for holding tissues or objects during surgical procedures. Clamps are devices used to secure blood vessels or tissues by applying pressure. However, in some cases, these can be used interchangably.


A surgical specialty involving procedures on the organs in your chest, including your heart, lungs, and esophagus

What is cardiothoracic surgery?

Cardiothoracic surgery can often be life-saving, as your heart and lungs are some of your body's most vital organs, providing blood and oxygen to your whole body. Procedures may involve heart and lung transplants, valve replacements/surgery, and open-heart surgery.


In Grey's Anatomy, Meredith has to undergo this procedure at the hospital when the power went out

What is a C-section?


A health professional who assists the doctor performing surgery and/or takes care of the patient before, during, and after surgery

What is a surgical nurse/scrub nurse/OR nurse?

In the operating room, the surgical nurse may serve as a scrub nurse, selecting and passing instruments and supplies used for the operation, or as a circulating nurse, managing the overall nursing care in the operating room and helping to maintain a safe, comfortable environment.


A surgical procedure to remove the uterus and cervix

What is a hysterectomy?

These procedures may also involve removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other surrounding structures. After a hysterectomy, a woman can no longer have children and menstruation stops. OB-GYNs/gynecologic surgeons typically perform hysterectomies.


A tool used to control bleeding during surgery by clamping blood vessels shut

What is a hemostat/hemostatic clamp?

Hemostats are similar in design to both pliers and scissors. They have handles that can be held in place by their locking mechanism, which usually is a series of interlocking teeth, a few on each handle, that allow the user to adjust the clamping force of the pliers. 


A surgical specialty involving procedures of the musculoskeletal system

What is orthopedic surgery?

Orthopedic surgery may be needed to treat musculoskeletal trauma, spine diseases, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, or congenital disorders. Orthopedic surgeons are experts in bones and joints.


In Grey's Anatomy, interns performed this common surgery on each other

What is an appendectomy?

An individual responsible for handing the surgeon the tools that they need during the surgery

What is a surgical technician?

Surgical techs are also responsible for setting up a sterile operating room and getting surgical tools ready prior to the operation.


A surgical procedure to remove a portion of your skull

What is a craniectomy?

A craniectomy is a neurosurgical procedure in which part of the skull is removed to allow a swelling or herniating brain room to expand without being squeezed. They are one of the most complicated surgeries to perform. Neurosurgeons typically perform craniectomies.

An instrument used to hold incisions or wounds open while the surgery is occurring

What is a retractor?

Retractors could also be used to hold tissues or organs out of the way during a surgery. 


A surgical specialty involving procedures related to arteries, veins, or lymphatic vessels

What is vascular surgery?

Vascular surgery refers to open surgeries and minimally-invasive procedures that treat a range of blood vessel problems. These include aortic aneurysms, peripheral artery disease, carotid artery disease, and chronic venous insufficiency.


In House MD, Dr. House undergoes this surgery on his leg, leading him to live in pain for the rest of his life

What is a bypass?