Sickness Situations
Modal Vebs

Ouch! My stomach hurts. I have a ____.

A stomachache!


Where should you go if you feel very sick?

The doctor's office, or the hospital!

Bonus 50 points: What is the car that takes you to the hospital? 


Say an advice to a friend that feels dizzy

You should sit down or lie down


Name the 5 senses.

The sense of taste, touch, smell, sight (see), sound (hear)


What is a bruise?


A bruise is a mark on your skin after you hit or bump into something.


You fall off your bicycle, and now your knee is bleeding. What happened?

You hurt your knee!

Bonus 50 points: Make a different sentence with hurt.


Make two sentences using the modal verb MUST and MUSTN'T

- You must take a medicine if the doctor suggests you.

- You mustn't drive a car until 18 years old


If you are bleeding, what should you do?

You should...
• Wash the cut
• Disinfect the cut
• Put a bandage on it


If you sit in the sun for too long, what happens?

You get a sunburn!

Bonus 50 points: How can you prevent a sunburn?


What does it mean to throw up?

Use throw up in a sentence.

Throw up is when the food in your stomach comes out of your mouth.


1. The Modal Verb CAN is used to...

2. Write three examples

1. To express possibility, ability or permission

2. Examples:

Possibility: I can go to your party tonight.

Ability: Birds can fly

Permission: Can I borrow your pen, please?


What does "breathe" mean?

Make a sentence with "breathe".

"Breathe" is when air goes in and out of your body.

- She should breathe deeply if she feels dizzy


What are 3 symptoms of a cold?

Coughing, a runny nose, a sore throat, a headache, and more!


What is a wound?

An injury, usually involving the cutting or tearing of skin or tissue.


1. What is the difference between SHOULD and SHOULDN'T?

2. Make two sentences

1. Should is used in affirmative sentences and Shouldn't is used in negative sentences. Both are used to give an advice or an opinion.

2. Examples:

- You should study for the English test.

- The students shouldn't talk in class if the teacher is explaining the lesson.


When a nurse puts medicine and a needle into your skin is .....

A injection


What is a cut?

The result of cutting a part of the body with a sharp material such as a knife or scissors.


What is food poisoning? What are the symptoms?

Food poisoning is when you feel very sick from eating food that is too old.

You might have a stomachache, fever, and throwing up.


1. When do we use the modal verb HAVE TO?

2. Write two sentences with it.

1. The modal verb HAVE TO is used for Obligation or necessity.

2. Examples:

- Obligation: We have to pay attention in class.

- Necessity: I have to clean my room, it's very dirty


What is a PLASTER?

Something that you put on a cut to keep it clean.