said
siad
sade
said
want
waynt
wantt
want
thu
the
thee
the
lyttle
little
little
all
al
all
skool
sckool
school
was
wuz
was
that
taht
thatt
that
lyke
like
lik
like
am
amm
ahm
am
see
cee
sey
see
whaat
whut
what
what
this
thys
thes
this
luk
louk
look
look
at
aht
aat
at
shae
she
shee
she
whyte
white
wihte
white
tu
to
tooo
to
love
luv
lovey
love
amd
ahnd
and
and
so
su
soo
so
went
wyent
went
then
thyn
thenn
then
lott
lot
laut
lot
are
ar
or
are