Membership Candidates (MC's)
Meetings/ Major Functions
Risk Management

Name the qualifications for Member Candidates of Sigma Alpha. (100 points per qualification. There are 5 Total)

Enrolled in an Agriculture major/ interest in Ag

2.25 Minimum GPA

Apart of at least one other organization

Agree to comply with governing documents

Not a member of a Social Sorority


Name the Five Member Statuses (100 points each)

Active, Inactive, Early Alumni, Professional, Deactivation


With the exception of voting and Initiation/Activation, what percentage of active members must be present?

At Least 50% (and at least 75% when voting).


What eight categories shall Members be free from discrimination? (100 points each)

race, color, religion, ethnic group, national origin, gender, age, disability or marital status


What is the social media policy?

Pictures or media uploaded on social networking sites or applications that include Sigma Alpha Sorority’s name, Greek letters, or symbols with alcohol or inappropriate content are prohibited


What percentage of vote must a prospective member receive to become a member candidate?



Name ONE reason a sister could change from active to inactive status

Heavy Course Load (17+ Hours)

Health Concerns

Work Concerns

Inability to meet finances 


What is an Abstained Vote and what does it count towards?

Abstained Votes are stating you are indifferent or do not wish to vote, the abstained votes count towards a "yes" vote.


If suspect or are a victim of hazing or bullying who should you contact?

A member of Exec


  1.  The Chapter Executive Committee who will directly address the problem with the assistance of their National Board Contact and the National Board if needed*


To amend or suspend a bylaw, what percentage of vote must be reached?



What percentage must a Membership Candidate receive to pass the required quizzes?

80% or Higher

*They will be given the opportunity to retake one quiz with the exception of the final if that quiz grade is below an 80%. *


When are statuses typically changed and whom is it approved by?

Within first three weeks of the semester and by the executive board


What rules govern over all chapter meetings?

Robert's Rules


When consuming alcohol, what two things are strictly prohibited?

Wearing Sigma Alpha Apparel and posting on social media


To change a bylaw, what percentage of vote must be obtained?



The chapter may withdraw a Membership Candidate at any point with what percentage of vote?

85 %


What are the qualifications to request a status change? (One is financially based one is time-based)

Active for at least one year and not on financial probation (balance is less than $99.99).

READ qualifications for individualized statuses.


What are three events are always required?

Founder's day, Initiation, Activation


At minimum how many members must be designated as non-drinking at events that provide cash bars

at least 2 (Plus alc must stop being served an hour before end of event)


When must chairs and exec board members submit their agenda items to the president?

~ 12 am Saturday


For a membership canidate to become a member, what percentage of votes must they receive?



What is considered a member in 'good standing' (four)?

1. Not indebted to the local or National Sorority for any sum of money past due

2. Have achieved the required cumulative grade point hour ratio

3. Maintain membership in one other organization

4. Are not on academic or disciplinary probation or suspension by this sorority or the University of Tennessee.

* If a member is taking eighteen (18) or more credit hours or working twenty (20) or more hours each week, it is not mandatory to maintain membership in another campus organization during that time period.*


State the chapter objective AND Purpose (250 Each)

Objective: The objective of this sorority shall be to promote its members in all facets of agriculture and to strengthen the bonds of friendship among them.

Purpose:  It is the purpose of the members to strive for achievement in scholarship, leadership and service, and to further the development of excellence in women pursuing careers in agriculture


What is Sigma Alpha's policy on alcohol and drugs?

Does not condone the use of alcohol, drugs or any other illegal or controlled substances with our organization, professionally or socially.

*Get around this by using a cash bar system at events*


What positions does the executive board consist of (7)?

President, First Vice President, Membership Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive mentor and Recruitment Director.