When did my taki addiction started
End of 6th grade
Favorite pj pants
Strawberry shortcake oneses
What’s my second favorite ad
Orange ones where they threaten family’s and stuff yk
Color I like sometimes
Yellow I have mixed freling
When did I have my first crush and double if you know who
4 Larry the lobster
What time at night do I dread
Dark or milk
What is my volume on always
Is smart school boy scary
Yes i cry thinking of him
Fam where did I hang at perry
Hoe many changers do I have next to my bed
Three sometimes four
What’s my favorite brain rot
Do I burp or fart more
Burp but I fart in my room a lot
How many pillows
8 or smth
What show and season do I watch
Reversals 2-3
What’s my favorite lip balm
Watermelon parley or whatever
Do I like the song “one of the girls” or “dollhouse” more by the weekend
Girls Ss
chicly does what
Smell bad in my beds and lay there
Am I holding in a fart typing thid
Who is my favorite stuffed animal name
Very specific fav weather
Rainy cold very cold but blankets are warm
How many kids do I have in tiktok double points if all they names is right too
3 they names is sigma, le pipe, and abort
What dream did I have last night like where did it take place not hime
If you can guess the number 1-10 you get the poitns