the 5th commandment
what is you shall honor your mother and father
what form is God
what is invisible
the 1st presiedent
what is George Washington
an order to do something
what is a commandment
the 8th commandment
what is you shall not steal
in ancient judaism who held the power
what is men
the president that the teddy bear was named after
what is Teddy Rosevelt
Jewish priest
what is Ribbis
the 4th commandment
what is remember the sabbath day and keep it holy
who does the torahs laws command
what is everyone
teddy's cousin
what is Franklin Rosavelt
acting or living ina way that is ethically right
what is righteuosness
the 9th commandment
what is you shall not bear false witness against your neighbore
a weekly day of rest
what is sabbath
guy with a big top hat
what is Aberham Lincon
fairness or fair treatment for everyone
what is justice
the mountain where God gave Moses the torah
what is mt sinai
the Hebrew bible commands "_____ your fellow humans"
what is love
only president born on the Fourth of July
Calvin Coolige
a collection of oral teachings and commentaries in the hebrew bible and Jewish law
what is the talmud