Hands next to each other and open up one like a door opening
Make a fist in front of your head and then put up your index finger
Interlock your fingers on both hands and then move your hands around in a circular motion
Pop/ Soda
Make a fist with one hand and place your other middle finger in it, then take your finger out and place your hand on your fist
Hold your index and middle fingers, on both hands, up next to your head and then bend them forward
One hand on top of the other and then you raise the one on top up
Hold up the number 3 (thumb, index and middle finger), hold your thumb to your year and then bend your fingers
Make a fist (with your right hand) with your thumb up and place it on your chest in front of your right shoulder.
Place one fist on top of the other and then move the top around in a circular motion
Hold your thumb and pinky out. Place your thumb on your forehead and rotate your hand upward.
One arm on top of the other
Hold one hand flat and have your index and middle finger of your other hand jumping off of it
Place one hand on top of the back of the other hand and gently pull towards you
Make the sign for the letter F, thumb and index finger touching with the other 3 fingers up, and move it up and down into the other fist
Placing a flat hand under your chin, palm down, then bend and unbend your hand several times from the knuckles
Pointer and ring fingers bent over the pointer and ring fingers on the other hand
Hold one hand flat in front of you and then with your other hand pretend that your are grabbing something from your hand and putting into your brain
Make the number 4 (four fingers up with the thumb across your palm) and make a cross over your left shoulder
With your pinky sticking out make the shape of the letter J in front of your mouth
Make the sign for bird, take your thumb and index finger and make a open beak, then close the beak and bring it down to peck at the ground as represented by your other outstretched hand
Pointer and ring fingers bent over the pointer and ring fingers on the other hand and then swipe the fingers off
Make the letter L (hold out your thumb and index finger) on both hands, then connect them together and move your hands away from you
Hold the letter F (thumb and index finger touching with other 3 fingers up) in front of your face and then turn your hand around
Hot Chocolate
Start with the sign for hot, place your hand in front of your mouth and then turn it over toward the ground. Then make the letter C with one hand and move it around on the back of the other hand.
Make a fist with one hand. Pretend the other hand, index and middle fingers, are scissors and cut upward on your arm.