Who are the main characters of the story?
The sign maker
What vocabulary means... a helper?
What coin do you see and how much is it worth?
Half dollar
50 cents
What is the name of the punctuation mark that goes between city and state in an address?
What kind of punctuation goes before and after the words characters say in the story?
quotation marks
What is the setting of the story?
The sign maker's shop
The town
What word means to say yes to something?
How much is 3 quarters worth?
75 cents
Put the comma in the correct place in the sentence:
December 25 2001
December 25, 2001
How many mistakes are in this sentence?
my mom named the Cat
My mom named the cat.
The sign maker says he can't do his work without someone's help. Whose help does he need?
What vocabulary word means having good manners?
Which proofreading mark do you use when you need to capitalize a letter?
Underline the letter three times
Put the comma where needed in the following:
Jim Thorpe PA
Jim Thorpe, PA
Who is the author of "The Sign Maker's Assistant"?
Tedd Arnold
What is the funny thing that happens in the story?
Norman makes silly signs and the town people follow them.
What word means to move something away from an area?
What does this proofreading symbol mean?
Put the comma in the correct place in the sentence:
May 14 2021
May 14, 2021
Who is the illustrator of "The Sign Maker's Assistant"?
Tedd Arnold
What lesson does Norman learn?
Without signs/rules people would be in danger and/or there would be trouble.
What word is a synonym for something that causes a problem?
What is the name of the "dot" you see in the amount below?
decimal point
Put the comma in the correct place in the sentence:
Austin Texas
Austin, Texas
What do we call the words the characters say in the story?