What is the Indian word for "good for nothing"
What is Piz Wat
Attean used this to cover his face at the feast
What is paint
When Matt & Attean were playing ball together, the villager's took what of Matts?
What is Matt's t-shirt
Matt lost this to Ben.
What is his Dad's gun
How was Attean different after he found his manitou?
What is he shaved his head and felt pride.
Matt used this novel to teach Attean to read
What is Robinson Crusoe
Matt and his dad used what to build the cabin?
What is wood logs
Atteans grandma gave Matt medicine because Matt tried to get Attean's dog out of a what clan's trap?
What is turtle clan trap
What treaty does Matt make with Saknis?
How is teaching Attean (or grandson) to read.
Attean's Grandma put what on Matt's hand?
What is medicine
What is the purpose of the actual SIGN of the beaver
What is it shows the hunting property or territory of Beaver people
Who is Attean's sister?
What is Marie
Matt's family is moving from which state to which state?
What is Massachusetts-Maine