The author writes: "He stood poised on the snow like a duck on water." This is an example of what literary device?
What is a simile?
What is manitou?
Attean received this from his grandfather after the test.
What is a gun?
What is snowshoes?
Fill in the blank: "The _____________he regarded as a sort of trust. His father had planted it, and would be counting on it to feed the family through the winter. And some must be saved for the spring planting."
What is corn?
At the end of the chapter the snowshoes help him realize that he is no longer afraid of this.
What is the winter?
The Indian families moved away to follow the trail of _________________.
What is big animals?
Saknis and Matt disagreed about what?
What is maple sugar?
This is the food Matt is counting on to save him from starvation?
Matt feels awkward when he sees this member of his family.
What is his sister Sarah?
Name 3 things that Attean had to do for his test.
1. bathe himself
2. go out into the forest
3. build a wigwam of branches
4. Not eat anything
5. Sing songs and repeat prayers
Saknis was particularly worried about leaving Matt because why?
The book reads, "My grandfather say much forest where sun goes down. White man not come so far." Explain what he means.
As Matt prepares himself for the coming winter, we notice something about his preparations- he is using what he knows AND what he has learned from the Indians. Name one thing he does that shows he has learned from the Indians besides the way he hunts and fishes.
What is :
1) Using bone needles to make new pants
2) Using moss to keep warm and dry
3) Using a clamshell to scrape corn off the cob
4) Using acorns as a source of food
Matt's family were delayed because they were all sick (and the baby died) with this disease.
What is typhus?
Attean would get this if he passed the test.
What is a new name?
Saknis wanted Matt to become nkweniss. What does this word mean?
What is grandson?
Attean gives this gift to Matt.
What is his dog?
Matt was the most proud of this item of clothing that he made.
What is neighbors?
Attean would become this if he passed the test.
What is a hunter/ a man?
Matt was upset about this after Attean and his grandfather left.
Attean calls Matt "medabe". What does this word mean?
He made this for the baby.
What is a cradle?