SOTB Basics
All In The Family
Here and There
Who is Elizabeth Speare?
Who is The author of Sign of the Beaver
This was the age of Matt (and about the age of Attean) during most of this book?
What is Thirteen
The reason Matt’s family was away longer than expected.
What is The family was sick with Typhus and they couldn’t travel until they were better
This was the gift Matt gave to Attean as a thank you for all he had done for him.
What is His Father’s watch
The name of the book of the only book Matt owned and read to Attean
What is Robinson Crusoe
What is the setting of the story?
What is Maine, 1769.
These are the two events that made Matt need the assistance of the Indians so badly
What is Ben stole his rifle and a bear ransacked his cabin
This is reason Attean was not happy to have to shoot the bear.
What is the bear was a mother and had a cub.
The first gift the Indians gave to Matt
What is Mocassins
This is why Saknis wanted Attean to learn to read English.
What is because the Penobscots lost much of their land to settlers that tricked them with fake treaties
The problem in this story
What is Matt was left to guard his family’s cabin alone for six weeks, but loses his food supply and rifle. His family is gone longer than expected and he needs to find a way to survive.
The number of weeks Matt’s father claimed he would be away:
What is Seven (but it was actually much longer!)
The fate of Attean’s mother.
What is she was shot by white settlers while she was collecting bark to make a basket
Name two of the gifts Matt made for his family
What is A cradle A set of bowls Decorating the cabin with dried corn A cornhusk doll for his sister
The final gift Attean gave to Matt
What is his dog
The book called Sign of the Beaver because:
Saknis and Attean were members of the Beaver clan. They taught Matt invaluable skills and how to survive. The clans mark their territory with Signs on trees.
Two (of many) lessons Attean taught Matt
What is To make a snare, to make a bow and arrow, to fish the indian way, to honor creatures, to think about Indians point of view, to mark his path, (consider other answers)
The reason Attean’s grandmother changed her mind about Matt
What is Matt found Attean’s dog in a trap and got help to save him
The two gifts Matt's father left him with at the cabin
What is his rifle and his watch
What was the treaty that Saknis and Matt agree to in the beginning of the book at eventually leads to Matt and Attean’s friendship?
What is Matt will teach Attean to read and Attean will bring food to Matt.
At the end of the novel Matt and Attean consider themselves this
What is brothers
Name one thing that angered Attean about The book they were sharing:
What is He didn’t like how Friday bowed down to become Cruesoe’s slave and he didn’t like how Cruesoe needed so many things off the ship to survive.
At the end of the novel name the members of Matt's family
What is Matt, Sarah, Mom, and Dad (the baby died before the father reached the family)
How did the turtle clan get the iron traps, like the one that trapped Attean's dog?
What is the white settlers gave them to the indians to trap animals for their fur. (This is part of the reason animals became scarce for the indians, because they killed only for fur and wasted the rest of the animal)
The spirit that Attean needs to find to take his place in the tribe as a man and a hunter
What is manitou