When was Michelangelo born?
What is March 6, 1475?
What year was Columbus born?
What is 1451?
What did Henry play a big role in inventing?
What is the Caravel and the Lateen sail?
How old was Michelangelo when he created his first painting?
What is 12 years old?
How many slaves did Columbus bring from the Caribbean to Europe?
What is 1500?
What lands did Henry discover?
What is "The Azores and Madeira Archipelago", and "The Cape Verde Islands"?
Name 3 of Michelangelo's artworks
What is "The Creation of Adam", "Sistine Chapel", "Sculpture of David", "Battle of Cascina", "The Last Judgment", and "The Torment of Saint Anthony"?
How many times did Columbus travel to America?
What is 4 times?
Where was the school that Henry set up called?
What is "The School of Sagres (aka. Court of Sagres)"?
Who paid Michelangelo to paint much of his works?
What is the church?
Where was Columbus trying to go when he found the Americas?
What is India?
What family was Henry born into (status)?
What is the Royal family of Portugal?
What did Michelangelo's paintings change most about the feudal system?
What is society?
What is Columbus's nationality?
What is Italian?
Name one thing people learned at his school?
What is how to use the caravel, mapping, and explorations?